LEADERSHIP IN LAW 2024: Anne Mullin O’Connor

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(IL photo/Eric Learned)

The Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County

Indiana University McKinney School of Law, 1989

Why did you decide to enter the legal profession?

While my interest in the legal profession was present as early as middle school, my decision to enter it occurred during my undergraduate education. My major was public administration, so I took courses that focused on the law, statutes, regulations and case law, and I knew then that I wanted to attend law school and become an attorney.

If you hadn’t pursued a legal career, what would you be doing?

I think I would have pursued teaching at [the] post-secondary level.

Who is someone who has inspired you in your career?

I have many people who have inspired me throughout my career but have been fortunate to have had for most of those years the support of a special group of friends—Keira Amstutz, Monica Brase, Paje Felts and Heather Welch. We support each other not only in our careers but in life.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

There are different ways to approach an issue or problem, so be open to listening to other thoughts and ideas.

What makes a good lawyer/judge?

Good lawyers and judges are respectful of others even when it may be difficult.

Tell us about a “lesson learned” moment you’ve had in your career.

Despite thinking otherwise early on in my career, just being the lawyer at the table did not mean that I was prepared to single-handedly make decisions. After some missteps, I figured this out and worked harder to listen and appreciate working with others who brought their experience and knowledge to the table.

Tell us something surprising about you.

I was a high school gymnastics coach for two years.

What is something you wish people knew about lawyers?

There is a misconception that all lawyers can answer every legal question on the spot. The good news is that lawyers are resourceful and can find the answer, or someone who can help.

Read more Leadership in Law profiles.

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