Amundsen Davis adds new attorneys to firm’s Indianapolis office

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Three additional attorneys have been added to the Amundsen Davis Indianapolis office.

The law firm has 12 locations in Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois and Missouri.

According to the firm, Joseph Hendel joins as a senior counsel in the firm’s General Liability Service Group.

Hendel has been providing quality legal services for more than 23 years.

Having practiced civil litigation for most of his career, Hendel has experience defending a wide range of claims in both state and federal courts.

He represents insurers, individuals, businesses and government entities in tort litigation claims.

Jarrod Malone joins as a partner in the firm’s Health Care Service Group.

He provides aggressive and vigorous defense for those in the health care industry, including national and Indiana based health care providers and entities. He has extensive experience representing clients in medical malpractice, licensing and peer review proceedings, disciplinary matters, business litigation, premises liability, compliance and regulatory, and employment related matters.

Guy Webb joins the firm’s Health Care Service Group as an associate.

Webb defends physicians, nurses and hospitals in medical malpractice claims, and guides clients through Indiana’s medical review panel process in state court.

He also assists hospitals preparing responses to inquiries about patients and requests for medical records while ensuring they stay in compliance with HIPPA.

“We are thrilled to welcome Jarrod, Joe and Guy to our team,” Managing Partner of Amundsen Davis’s Indiana operations Steve Stitle said in a news release. “Their service offerings and dedication to client experience align perfectly with our mission to provide top-tier legal services to businesses across Indiana. This expansion underscores our commitment to growing alongside the needs of our clients and the broader business community.”

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