Indiana Bar Foundation honors civic education and legal assistance at annual awards luncheon

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Mike Fassold, Marilyn Smith and Justice Geoffrey Slaughter were honored Friday at the Indiana Bar Foundations annual luncheon. (Photo courtesy of Indiana Bar Foundation)

The Indiana Bar Foundation celebrated three of its members and announced a new member to its President’s Circle at its its annual awards luncheon Friday

President and CEO Chuck Dunlap gave an update on all of the things the foundation has going on this year before moving on to the awards.

Marilyn Smith received the foundation’s Legend Award. Smith retired as the foundation’s senior counsel at the end of 2023.

“I look around this room, our community leaders or legal aid leaders or educators. I am in awe. And you all really are my heroes,” Smith said. “So stepping away for five months has only led me to appreciate that for the dedication drive, the funds, the camaraderie, the partnership, that kind of knocked down get back up, like just the the game of trying to move the ball forward, whichever one we’re working on. And there’s always multiples.”

Indiana Supreme Court Justice Geoffrey Slaughter received the Champion of Civil Legal Assistance Award.

“I’ve been privileged to serve as chair (of the Coalition for Court Access). We have numerous talented members committed to helping ensure that civil legal assistance is available,” Slaughter said.

Mike Fassold received the Champion of Civil Education Award. Fassold is now retired from Fishers Jr. High School, where he led the We the People program. His first time doing it, the team made it to the top 10 of nationals.

“My knowledge base stopped there,” Fassold said.

He added that Dunlap guided him through the top 10, which was something that always stuck with him regarding the resources of the foundation.

Fassold told the story of how he motivated his students by comparing Brown County Junior High School We the People team taught by Mike Potts.

“Our program in our school would have been nothing without the driving force I referred to as the boogeyman,” Fassold said.

Each honoree received a plaque and a piece of Hoosier artwork.

“You can see why those three individuals are so important to us and accomplishing the mission that we are striving to accomplish every day. And thank you for continuing those efforts. They don’t seek the limelight, but they certainly deserve it,” Dunlap said.

The foundation’s President’s Circle launched in January and recognizes its top supporters.

Barnes & Thornburg is the newest member of the President’s Circle. The law firm joined Faegre Drinker Biddle and Reath and Timothy Abeska as members.

“When the President’s Circle was announced, I could not think of a better way to do so good and to do my part,” Abeska said. “My donation when integrated with others is going to bear fruit that will result in people who face legal problem without a lawyer, having a lawyer and feeling heard and respected.”

Indiana Bar Foundation’s Board Chair Caryn Glawe spoke on the behalf of Faegre Drinker.

“Faegre Drinker was honored to be a President Circle founding member and proud to support the Indiana Bar Foundation in its unwavering commitment to providing access to justice and civic education for all Hoosiers,” Glawe said.

Joseph Eaton spoke on the behalf of the President’s Circle’s newest member Barnes & Thornburg, where he is a partner.

“We believe strongly in the mission of civic education and civil legal assistance in Indiana and are pleased to do our part in joining the President’s Circle,” Eaton said.

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