IndyBar: Congrats to the 2024 IndyBar Paralegal of the Year

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The Indianapolis Bar Association is proud to recognize Laura Adamaitis Thirion of Plunkett Cooney PC as the 2024 IndyBar Paralegal of the Year! Thirion was honored with the award at the IndyBar Paralegal Appreciation Luncheon on Wednesday, June 5 at IndyBarHQ.

Thirion has worked in the legal industry for more than 24 years. She joined Plunkett Cooney PC, a law firm specializing in commercial, transactional and litigation services, in 2020. Thirion is well versed in technology, taking a leadership position with clients and opposing counsel addressing discovery, motion practice, and research. She keeps files on track with consistent calendaring of events and follow-up, and is diligent on negligence cases, contract cases, arbitration of union complaints, and a variety of other areas of law that the Indianapolis office undertakes. She is known for her attitude and desire to always do right by the lawyers she works with, as well as her peers.

In addition to her work as a paralegal, Thirion gives back to her community. She is a former member of the IndyBar Paralegal Committee and served in the capacity of Vice Chair of the Committee, as well as two (2) terms as the Chair of the Committee. A voting member of the Indiana Paralegal Association (IPA) since 2003, she is currently in her second term as the organization’s Secretary. She has also served IPA in the capacity of President, Marketing Directory. She is a previous member of the National Federation Paralegal Association. Thirion volunteers her time to the IPA’s charitable partner each year with community service and personal donations.

Her nominator said: She is an outstanding member of this legal community and she always says that she owes IndyBar and IPA gratitude as she has made lifelong connections within the legal community. She has volunteered her time with Coburn Place, supported ALS, kNot Today, Susan G. Komen, and Girls, Inc., through her time with IPA, just to name a few community commitments.

Thirion is a key member of the Plunkett Cooney team and dedicated to serving her firm and her community. Please join us in congratulating her on this well-deserved honor!•

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