Opinions April 13, 2022

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Court of Appeals of Indiana
Conroad Associates, L.P. v. Castleton Corner Owners Association, Inc. and McKinley, Inc.

Civil plenary. Affirms the Marion Superior Court’s grant of the Castleton Corner Owners Association’s motions, its amendment of the original judgment pursuant to the COA’s instructions in Castleton Corner I and its decision to vacate the original order in proceedings supplemental, among other things. Holds that the trial court’s continued exercise of jurisdiction was proper and the manner of enforcing the judgment on the Association’s liability remained in fieri in the trial court. Finds the Association’s motion to vacate the original proceedings supplemental order did not violate the bankruptcy stay and was not untimely. Finally, finds the trial court did not err in vacating the original order.

Diyante Dickens v. State of Indiana (mem. dec.)
Criminal. Affirms Diyante Dickens’ convictions for possession of methamphetamine as a Level 4 felony, resisting law enforcement as a Class A misdemeanor and false informing as a Class B misdemeanor. Finds that the police conduct was reasonable and did not violate Dickens’s rights under Article 1, Section 11 of the Indiana Constitution. Also finds the state presented evidence of probative value from which a reasonable jury could have determined beyond a reasonable doubt that Dickens committed the Level 4 felony.

In the Matter of the Estate of Suzanne M. Neitzel, Deceased, Rita Tafelski  v. Linda Salmon (mem. dec.)
Estate. Affirms the Lake Circuit Court’s Trial Rule 41(E) dismissal of Rita Tafelski’s mother’s estate for failure to prosecute. Finds the probate court did not abuse its discretion by dismissing the estate.

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