Opinions April 15, 2022

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The following 7th Circuit Court of Appeals and Indiana Tax Court opinions was posted after IL deadline on Thursday.
7th Circuit Court of Appeals
Paul Palmer, Jr. II v. Indiana University and The Trustees of Indiana University
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division. Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson.
Civil. Affirms summary judgment granted to Indiana University on a Title VII complaint filed by employee Paul Palmer Jr. II. Finds Palmer’s failure-to-promote claim is time-barred. Finds Palmer’s unequal pay claim fails on the merits. Concludes the undisputed evidence shows Palmer enjoyed higher pay than all of his colleagues, except for one, who is not a proper comparator. Judge Frank Easterbrook concurs.

Indiana Tax Court
David A. and Nichelle L. Gertz v. Porter County Assessor  

Tax. Affirms the Indiana Board of Tax Review’s final determination that required the Porter County Assessor to reclassify 10.094 acres of David and Nichelle Gertz’s land as agricultural land, to reassess the land as tillable land, and to apply the 2% tax cap to the land solely for the 2019 tax year. Determines that to allow the Gertzes’ challenges to their 2012 through 2018 real property assessments to proceed would provide them with an “end run” around the established rules of procedure for challenging the correctness of assessments.

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