Opinions June 16, 2022

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Court of Appeals of Indiana
Anthony Brahimsha v. Mariana Vallejo (mem. dec.)
Domestic relations with children. Affirms the Jasper Circuit Court’s division of the marital estate arising from the dissolution of marriage between Anthony Brahimsha and Mariana Vallejo. Finds the trial court did not abuse its discretion by including a $70,000 loan and a vehicle in the marital pot or by omitting the value of the parties’ personal assets from the marital estate. Also finds the trial court did not err in finding that Wife had dissipated marital assets. Finally, finds the trial court did not err when it deviated from an equal division of the marital estate.

S.P. and L.S. v. Indiana Department of Child Services (mem. dec.)
Juvenile termination of parental rights. Affirms the termination of mother S.P. and father L.S.’s parental rights to their minor children, De.S. and D.S. Finds sufficient evidence to support the termination of parental rights.

U.S. Bank Trust National Association as Trustee of American Homeowner Preservation Trust Series 2015 A+ v. Joshua R. Dugger, Patrice M. Jones, William Baldridge, and Sara Baldridge (mem. dec.)
Mortgage foreclosure. Reverses and vacates the Delaware Circuit Court’s order denying U.S. Bank Trust National Association’s motion for leave to file praecipe for sheriff’s sale. Finds the trial court abused its discretion in denying U.S. Bank’s motion. Remands for further proceedings.

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