Rokita warns of potential scams arising from attempted assassination

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Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita is warning Hoosiers of fake charitable causes looking for donations following the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

“These fraudsters appeal to people’s natural sense of compassion and patriotism in order to steal their hard-earned money,” Rokita said in a news release. “Although most of us are appalled by such vile conduct, this is exactly the way scammers think and operate. They try to take advantage of difficult circumstances for their own personal gain. We want to help good-hearted Hoosiers avoid falling for these schemes.”

Rokita encouraged Hoosiers to exercise caution not only in regard to this specific scam, but anytime they receive solicitations related to high-profile news events that scammers may attempt to exploit.

There may be legitimate fundraising efforts to support families of those killed and wounded during the July 13 assassination attempt.

Rokita released tips to follow to ensure the charity is real.

First, a real charity will accept donations at any time. He advises people to slow down and take their time to research and feel confident about the organization before donating.

Secondly, if the donation is made over the phone, the caller should be able to answer questions and it’s alright to ask questions.

Next, don’t assume a request is real because a friend posted it on social media.

Lastly, Rokita recommends making donations by credit card rather than cash or other methods. There are protections available through credit card companies.

If Hoosiers suspect a scam of any type they can file a complaint at or call the Office of the Attorney General.

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