Three new members named to the Coalition for Court Access

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(Photo courtesy of Indiana Supreme Court)

Three new members were named Tuesday to the Coalition for Court Access by the Indiana Supreme Court

The coalition acts as a legal aid organization that develops and implements a statewide plan to improve the availability and quality of access to civil legal services for persons of limited means.

The high court appoints members to the coalition from areas of practice and the bar under the Indiana Administrative Rules.

The three new members will succeed board members whose three-year terms expire on June 30.

Denton Associate Zechariah L. Banks will serve as the representative of a local minority bar association. Indiana Court of Appeals Judge Peter Foley will be the appellate judge representative on the coalition. Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law Dean Patricia Kinney will serve as the member from an ABA-accredited Indiana law school.

The three new members will begin their three-year terms on July 1.

The high court also reappointed Scott Barnhart of the Indiana Bar Association as a member from a local or minority bar association. David Pruitt of Notre Dame Law School is also reappointed to the coalition as a member from an ABA-accredited Indiana law school.

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