Time capsule ceremony honors the legacy of Indiana’s president

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The Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site celebrated the placement of a time capsule on its grounds Aug. 20, 2024. (IL Photo/Alexa Shrake)

The Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site preserved pieces of history for future Hoosiers to open when celebrating the anniversary of the U.S. Constitution.

On Sept. 17, 2087, one of the three time capsules placed Tuesday will be opened to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the U.S. Constitution. The other two will be opened on the 400th and 500th anniversaries.

President and CEO of the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site Charles Hyde read a quote of Harrison’s that detailed the meaning of the American flag and the U.S. Constitution.

The Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site celebrated the placement of a time capsule on Aug. 20, 2024. (IL Photo/Alexa Shrake)

“Our efforts of remembrance and dedicating a time capsule today have similar aims,” Hyde said.

A handful of people gathered for the ceremony in the Sarah Evans Barker Citizenship Plaza on the chilly morning of Aug. 20, which is also Harrison’s 191st birthday.

Harrison’s great-great grandson Kimball Harrison Morsman led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance which was adopted during Harrison’s presidency.

Director of Foundation Forward Mike Unruh spoke about how he first visited Indiana to discuss the plaza and the site renovations in 2019.

“Everything got put on hold for a couple of years, but Charlie and his team here and all of your donors and partners persevered and built this beautiful promenade and the placement of this Indiana limestone Charters of Freedom,” Unruh said.

Director of Foundation Forward Mike Unruh, Harrison enactor Charles Braun, First Lady Caroline Harrison enactor, Board of Directors Chair Donna Oklak and Kimball Harrison Morsman all placed the three time capsules into the safe. (IL Photo/Alexa Shrake)

He said it was the first presidential site that Charters of Freedom were placed. They have since placed them at several site across the country.

The capsules have items from the dedication groundbreaking from 2023 including a flash drive with video and photos of the event.

“Not only will we be celebrating the 300, 400, 500 anniversaries of the Constitution, but we will be celebrating the history of the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site from our dedication ceremony,” Unruh said.

Harrison enactor Charles Braun read from the charters of freedom before the capsules were placed in a safe under where the U.S. Constitution is displayed in the plaza.

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