DTCI: Amicus Service Recognized
A special ceremony honoring two retiring members of the Amicus Committee will be held during the DTCI Annual Conference lunch on Thursday, Nov. 19.
A special ceremony honoring two retiring members of the Amicus Committee will be held during the DTCI Annual Conference lunch on Thursday, Nov. 19.
In conjunction with its 2015 annual meeting in Bloomington Nov. 19-20, the DTCI will recognize the outstanding defense lawyers of the year. The awards ceremony will be held during the board of directors’ dinner on Nov. 18.
Recently, a colleague and I were faced with the following issue in a wrongful death action after resolving all claims at mediation: Is an Indiana trial court permitted to seal and/or prevent public access to records required to be filed with the court related to the compromise of a plaintiff’s claim that include or otherwise identify confidential terms of the resolution?
The northern Indiana young lawyers got to know each other better at a happy hour in Merrillville on Sept. 17 organized by the DTCI Young Lawyers Committee.
Congratulations to Gary J. Clendening, 1986 president of DTCI, who retired from the active practice of law on Oct. 1.
This article examines the basis for the Kopetsky court’s holding regarding contractual liabilities, identifies what the holding means and does not mean for insurance carriers, and discusses what insurers can do to effect a broader exclusion.
I had the privilege of being the second chair at my first jury trial in March of this year. As I begin preparations for my next trial as second chair, I have been reflecting on what I learned the first go-round. I share my thoughts here with the hope that they will help other young attorneys – or even a seasoned attorney when he or she mentors young attorneys.
Join the DTCI Insurance Section for a roundtable discussion with Judge Mark Smith of Hendricks County Superior Court and Judge Matthew Kincaid of Boone Superior Court at Tow Yard Brewing Company in Indianapolis at 3 p.m. on Sept. 24.
The DTCI Paralegal Section is organizing support for a 10-member special operations detachment military troop currently stationed overseas. The troop’s biggest wish is for gift cards to pay for Internet service, which they must buy themselves.
The Employment Law trial team at Lewis Wagner, led by partner Stephanie Cassman, secured a defense verdict last week in a federal race discrimination jury trial.
Join us on November 19 & 20 at the IU Memorial Hall for a jam-packed schedule.
The Defense Trial Counsel’s Annual Meeting will be held November 19 – 20 at IU Memorial Union.
“Subject to and without waiving these objections” is a common phrase that I am sure most of us have used and encountered in discovery responses. Courts, however, are rejecting the phrase and holding that the responding party has waived any objections that may have been asserted. The reasoning makes sense and should encourage most of us to limit our use of the phrase whether we practice in state or federal court.
Just shy of 600 pages with a 28-page executive summary to boot, the EPA report concludes that that the agency was unable to find “evidence that ‘mechanisms’ [identified in the report] have led to widespread, systemic impacts on drinking water resources in the United States."
On May 14, the young lawyers sections of Defense Trial Counsel of Indiana, the Marion County Bar Association and the Indiana Trial Lawyers Association held a joint networking reception at The Social in Indianapolis.
This article will analyze the current state of Indiana law and some of the pitfalls that practitioners and employers face when trying to enforce restrictive covenants.
Pictures from the recent event held by the Young Lawyers Committee of DTCI.
The monumental 2009 Indiana Supreme Court decision in Stanley v. Walker fundamentally changed the way medical expenses are addressed in personal injury litigation. In the years since Stanley, confusion and disagreement have emerged at the intersection of discounted payments and government-paid health benefits.