2011 DTCI Rookie Seminar
The Defense Trial Counsel of Indiana will hold its Rookie Seminar on April 15, 2011, at The Montage at Allison Pointe. 8.0 credits (including 1.0 ethics) have been requested.
DTCI: Retaliation by association on the rise
On Jan. 24, 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its opinion in Thompson v. North American Stainless, LP, 131 S. Ct. 863 (Jan. 24, 2011).
DTCI: Meet your 2011 Board of Directors
At the November annual meeting of the Defense Trial Counsel of Indiana, the following officers and directors were elected. They assumed office on Jan. 1, 2011.
DTCI amicus makes impact in 2010
Although 2010 did not have the fireworks of the 2009 medical write-off cases, Defense Trial Counsel of Indiana has participated as amicus in several significant legal issues affecting the defense bar.
17th Annual DTCI Conference & Meeting
The Defense Trial Counsel of Indiana named its 2011 officers and new directors at its Seventeenth Annual Conference and Annual Meeting in Michigan City November 18-19.
DTCI: Medical Negligence vs. Premises Liability
When a patient is harmed during a medical procedure, a patient may elect to file a medical negligence claim against his physician and the health care facility in which the procedure occurred. However, when a patient is harmed during a hospitalization, should the claim still be pursued as one of medical negligence or is it more appropriately a premises liability claim?
DTCI: Be a good lawyer, but also be a good mentor
Libby Valos Moss lists what she has learned over the years in striving to be a good mentor.
DTCI: Indiana’s New Pattern Jury Instructions in Products Liability Cases
There has been great debate in the Indiana legal community about the recent changes to Indiana’s Model Jury Instructions that were revised to be written in plain English.
DTCI Kudos
Lloyd H. Milliken, Jr., (past president) and Randall R. Riggs, partners in Frost Brown Todd, who were recognized in the September/October 2010 Super Lawyers® Corporate Counsel Edition.
John C. Trimble (past president), partner in Lewis Wagner, who has been appointed chair of the Public Policy Committee of DRI.
DTCI: Insurance policies’ notice provision
A number of recent Indiana cases have addressed the provision found in nearly all insurance policies that requires an insured to provide its insurer with prompt notice of a claim.
DTCI: Existing duty is prerequisite of negligence
To prevail on a claim of negligence, a plaintiff must show that a duty exists, that the duty was breached, and that damages resulted from that breach. It goes without saying that there can be no negligence or liability where there is no duty.
DTCI: Amendment to the Child Wrongful Death Act
Andrew Palmison discusses the possible impact the amendment to the Child WDA will have on the defense of stillbirth claims.
Why join DTCI
Call the DTCI offices and let the DTCI help you become a more effective defense attorney!
DTCI: Attention & Kudos
DTCI is seeking ideas and authors for articles for Volume 7, No. 2 of the Indiana Civil Litigation Review.
DTCI: Results from June golf tourney
Congratulations to the top two teams from the DTCI-Phenix Investigations annual golf outing.
DTCI: Kudos
Patricia Polis McCrory was chosen the president-elect to the Kiwanis Club of Indianapolis.