IndyBar Shares Feedback with Mayor’s Task Force
As we have previously reported, Mayor Joe Hogsett has expressed interest in improving our Marion County justice processes.
As we have previously reported, Mayor Joe Hogsett has expressed interest in improving our Marion County justice processes.
2016 marks the 25th year of practice for 60 IndyBar members. The IndyBar congratulates these members on this landmark and thanks them for their dedication to the profession.
Get more from your membership in 2017 with Free Fridays at the IndyBar! We’ll be saving you time and money each month with these complimentary services. All offerings take place at the IndyBar office.
Make sure to mark your brand-new 2017 calendar now for the upcoming Indianapolis Bar Association and Foundation Installation Luncheon, which will take place on Wednesday, January 18, 2017, from noon to 1 p.m. at the Columbia Club.
The strategic planning process—one that the Indianapolis Bar Association has undertaken since the early 1990s—is a crucial practice that charts the course for the coming years, setting priorities, focusing energy and strengthening the organization.
On Monday, Nov. 7, the mock-election for the offices of United States President, Indiana Governor and U.S. Senator was conducted with the assistance of volunteers from Indianapolis Bar Association’s Professionalism Committee.
Holly Wanzer, founding partner of Wanzer Edwards PC, will serve as the President of the Indianapolis Bar Foundation in 2017, leading the organization’s efforts to advance justice and lead positive change in Indianapolis through philanthropy, education and service.
These members are among those to be honored at the upcoming IndyBar and IBF Recognition Breakfast on Nov. 15 at the Meridian Hills Country Club.
Amanda Blystone, a family law attorney who practices with the law firm Broyles Kight & Ricafort PC, devotes a substantial amount of pro bono hours “being the voice for kids who otherwise would probably be unheard.”
Assisting the inmates in their education will help create more engaged and productive members of society, as well as give members of the Indianapolis Bar Association an opportunity to create sustainable change within their own community.
With more than 350 guests in attendance, the evening helped to raise over $130,000 to support the foundation’s mission of advancing justice to lead to positive change in Indianapolis through philanthropy, education and service.
The purpose of the prosecutor’s "DifferentNotLess" initiative is to advocate for the employment of individuals with autism and other disabilities.
Members of the legal community gathered to honor Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Loretta Rush as the 2016 Antoinette Dakin Leach Award on Tuesday, Oct. 11 at the Skyline Club in downtown Indianapolis.
IndyBar volunteers donated both their time and expertise to provide community members in need with invaluable legal advice and guidance at Ask a Lawyer on Oct. 11. This biannual event is the IndyBar’s largest pro bono program and has helped more than 3,000 Hoosiers over the past two years.
Receiving two Indianapolis Bar Foundation (IBF) sponsored scholarships in 2016 was quite an accomplishment for Alexander Van Gorp. The scholarships provided him not only with needed financial assistance, but also served as inspiration to persevere in his preparations to become an attorney.
IndyBar members are encouraged to be on hand to talk with representatives from Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett’s office at the IndyBar offices on Thursday, Oct. 13 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. regarding ideas for improvements to the processes used within the criminal justice system in Marion County
With help from the Indianapolis Bar Foundation (IBF), local non-profit Indy Reads is tackling adult literacy issues, and specifically those that face individuals in our criminal justice system.
E-Filing: it’s here to stay in Indiana. Though the new system is designed to simplify the process for all users of the court system, making the change to e-filing means big changes for local lawyers.