From IndyBar
IBA: Ogletree Deakins Names Keltner Managing Shareholder
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. has named Kristin Keltner as managing shareholder of the firm’s Indianapolis office.
IBA: AIB Leadership Announced
When the Indianapolis Bar Association created the first-of-its-kind Attorneys for an Independent Bench (“AIB”) PAC last year, it charted a new course to address public perception of lawyers and the legal system.
IBA: Special Situations That Are Not Unique in Witness Control
When cross examining a witness it’s not unusual to be confronted with the “I don’t know” or “I don’t remember” witness. Evasive answers like “I don’t know or I can’t remember” shouldn’t necessarily frustrate the cross-examiner.
IBA: Jim Voyles remarks
Reprint of the remarks delivered by James H. Voyles, Jr. upon acceptance of The Hon. Paul H. Buchanan Jr. Award of Excellence<
IBA: Jim Voyles – The Epitome of a Buchanan Award Recipient
The Hon. Paul H. Buchanan, Jr. Award of Excellence is presented “from time to time”. It is intended to both reward the accomplishments of the recipient and to inspire others to such service. James H. Voyles, Jr. of Voyles Zahn Paul Hogan & Merriman was determined to be a worthy recipient and by the comments made at a recent luncheon in his honor, he certainly epitomizes the lawyer deserving of such recognition.
IBA: When Disaster Strikes
Icepocalypse 2011 is finally beginning to melt.hankfully, no local practitioners experienced damage to their offices due to collapsed roofs or other storm damage. However, if they had what were the chances they had a disaster plan in place to deal with the aftermath?
IBA: Two Hours Can Change a Life
Provide the community with the opportunity to not only gain free legal advice, but to get to know what great community servants lawyers are by volunteering to assist with the Indianapolis Bar Association’s April 12, 2011 Ask a Lawyer program.
IBA: Local Attorneys to Lead Baker & Daniels
Baker & Daniels LLP has announced its top leadership positions for 2011, including the election of Indianapolis lawyer David Barrett and re-election of Hud Pfeiffer to three-year terms on the law firm’s strategic and policy board.
IBA: Eliminate Surprises; Use Caution and Care When Changing Fee Agreements
It’s a typical case and the potential client and you have agreed to a flat fee of $10,000 for the entire representation. However, as the case trudges through the system, the case requires more work than expected. You should get paid for the extra work, right?
Hebenstreit: Game on
It has been two years in training, watching first Jim, and then Chris, taking notes, learning, and getting prepared. Now the training is over, I am ready to start, and it is “game on.” It is going to be a busy and productive 2011.
IBA: Bar Monitoring Legislation During General Assembly
As the Indiana General Assembly grapples with legislation the Indianapolis Bar Association continues its practice of monitoring progress of Bills its leadership believes to be on interest to its members.
IBA: MPRE Prep Free
For ten years now a passing score on the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE) has been required for admission to the Indiana Bar.
IBA: Techniques for Controlling Challenging Witnesses That Work, Some with Risk
Third in a series of articles on Witness Control and Cross Examination.