
Deadline to apply for SCOTUS Fellows program Nov. 30

If you’re interested in learning more about the federal judiciary first hand, consider applying for the Supreme Court of the United States Fellows Program. Fellows gain insight into the policy issues facing the judiciary as well as learn more about administrative functions.

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Law School Briefs – 11/23/12

Valparaiso University Law School examined the issue of long-term prison sentences for low-level drug offenders during a one-day conference Nov. 9.

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Bankruptcy filings down across US, Indiana

Bankruptcy cases filed in federal courts for the 12-month period ending Sept. 30 were down 14 percent as compared to fiscal year 2011, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts announced Wednesday. Filings are down more than 11 percent in the Northern and Southern District courts of Indiana.

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Candidate facing charges from JQC loses election

Tammy R. Davis, the Democratic challenger to incumbent Republican Judge Steven J. Cox of Franklin Circuit Court, appears to have lost her bid to take over Cox’s spot on the bench. According to unofficial numbers from the Indiana Secretary of State’s office Wednesday morning, Davis received around 4,500 votes; Cox received nearly 6,000 votes.

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All appellate judges on the ballot retained by voters

Collecting more than a million “yes” votes each, Indiana Justices Steven David and Robert Rucker have been retained in office. David faced opposition from some who disagreed with the majority opinion he authored regarding unlawful police entry into homes.

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