High Court accepts 7 transfers
The Indiana Supreme Court has taken seven cases on transfer, including a case in which the lower appellate court was split on a construction manager’s duty to an injured worker.
The Indiana Supreme Court has taken seven cases on transfer, including a case in which the lower appellate court was split on a construction manager’s duty to an injured worker.
Several Indiana legal organizations are accepting nominations for awards given by their groups. All have July deadlines.
New Albany attorney J. Mark Robinson has been named president-elect of the Indiana Bar Foundation, and Michael Bishop will become the new board president. The positions were named at the foundation’s June 17 meeting.
The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana is seeking comment as to whether Magistrate Judge William G. Hussmann Jr. should be recommended for reappointment. The current term of Magistrate Hussmann, who works in the Evansville Division, expires April 3, 2012.
Gov. Mitch Daniels has appointed a three-member panel to oversee the transition of the department of toxicology to the State of Indiana from Indiana University School of Medicine. The panel will begin work immediately, Daniels’ office reported June 21.
The Indiana Court of Appeals will hear arguments in Cynthia Welch v. Shawn Young, et al., at 2:30 p.m. June 23 at Indiana State University’s Tirey Hall, Tilson Auditorium. Judges John G. Baker, Edward W. Najam, Jr., and Melissa S. May will hear the case before a group of teenagers participating in Hoosier Girls State.
The Indiana Supreme Court will hear arguments Tuesday in two child molesting cases and one personal injury case.
The Indiana State Bar Association Latino Affairs Committee’s Trailblazer/Abriendo Caminos Award will recognize for the first time the outstanding achievements, commitment, and leadership of a lawyer who has paved the way for the advancement of other Latino attorneys and/or the Latino community.
The Indiana Supreme Court has suspended 210 attorneys for not complying with continuing legal education requirements or nonpayment of attorney registration fees.
A panel of Indiana Court of Appeals judges will hear arguments in a contempt of court case Wednesday in northeast Indiana.
The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has reappointed Bankruptcy Judge Anthony J. Metz III in the U.S. District Court’s Southern District of Indiana to another 14-year term when his current term ends Nov. 14, 2011.
The Indiana Pro Bono Commission has received an award for the benefit of its districts that comes from a class-action lawsuit.
The Federalist Society, Indianapolis Lawyers Division Chapter, will host Richard W. Garnett, associate dean and professor of law at Notre Dame Law School, for a lecture at noon June 9.
Read about disciplinary actions filed by Indiana's Supreme Court.
Many of the laws enacted during the 2011 legislative session take effect July 1.
Read news about new hires, promotions, and honors in Indiana's legal community.
The lobby hours for the clerks’ offices in the United States District Court and Bankruptcy Court in the Southern District of Indiana will be different beginning July 1.
Attorney Stephenie Sutliff Jocham, a founder of Carmel firm Jocham Harden Dimick Jackson, died June 2 following a battle with cancer.
Trial courts interested in earning a Family Court Project grant have until July 1 to apply.
Attorney Stephenie Jocham, a founder of Carmel firm Jocham Harden Dimick Jackson, died Thursday morning following a battle with cancer, the firm announced.