Disciplinary actions – 5/11/11
Read about disciplinary actions imposed by the Indiana Supreme Court.
Read about disciplinary actions imposed by the Indiana Supreme Court.
The Indiana Criminal Justice Institute has appointed Mark Massa as executive director.
Marion County Prosecutor Terry Curry underwent cardiac bypass surgery Monday at an Indianapolis-area hospital.
The Greene County courts and clerk have adopted the use of the Indiana Supreme Court online Odyssey Case Management System.
The final proposed Marion County Probate Rules and Probate Forms, which have been approved by the Marion Superior Court Executive Committee and the General Term of Marion Superior Court, are now available for review and comment.
Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard received the Richard M. Fairbanks Circle of Hope Award Wednesday in Indianapolis. He received the award at the 10th annual Fairbanks Circle of Hope Dinner.
Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller’s March Against Hunger challenge among law firms has raised the equivalent of nearly 144,000 pounds of food for needy Hoosiers.
Allen Superior Judge Stanley Levine and Indiana University Maurer School of Law Dean Lauren Robel will make remarks at a Fort Wayne alumni reception.
The Court Alcohol and Drug Program Advisory Committee and the Problem-Solving Courts Committee of the Judicial Conference of Indiana are seeking public comment on the new rules governing problem-solving courts and amendments to the court-administered drug and alcohol programs.
The Indiana Court of Appeals travels to Wabash Friday to hear arguments in an insurance case.
Former Vice President Dan Quayle and his wife, Marilyn, have created a scholarship for students at Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis through an endowed gift of $200,000. The Quayles both earned their law degrees from the school in 1974.
Lake County Bar hosts Law Day; Indy Bar annual appellate meeting; ISBA offers solo conference.
Indiana University Maurer School of Law inducts fellows; Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis professor named Loyola law dean; Notre Dame Law school searches for director.
Staff from Parr Richey Obremskey Frandsen & Patterson will give away one boys bicycle, one girls bicycle, and will pass out bike reflectors and 100 free children’s bicycle helmets on April 30.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Tim A. Baker has been appointed by U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. to serve as chair of the Federal Judicial Center’s U.S. Magistrate Judge Education Advisory Committee.
The Indiana Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal in an insurance case involving attorney-client privilege because the parties have reached a mediated settlement.
The Domestic Relations Counseling Bureau is holding an open house Thursday for its new offices in the City-County Building in downtown Indianapolis. The 40-year-old court agency provides recommendations to the court for custody and visitation.
Joseph Hogsett, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana, presented an award Tuesday that honors people whose commitment and effort has a positive impact on the lives of crime victims in Indiana.
Four nationally known experts on judicial selection will participate in a panel discussion April 21 at Indiana University Maurer School of Law in the Moot Court Room.
The Court of Appeals of Indiana will visit two Ivy Tech campuses Thursday to hear arguments in an insurance case and battery case.