MCBA fall event postponed to spring
The Marion County Bar Association has postponed the Kuykendall-Conn Celebration Dinner that was scheduled for Nov. 5.
The Marion County Bar Association has postponed the Kuykendall-Conn Celebration Dinner that was scheduled for Nov. 5.
If the results of the Indiana State Bar Association’s 2010 Judicial Retention Poll are any indicator of next month’s election, then the five Indiana Court of Appeals judges up for a vote will be easily retained.
Indiana University Maurer School of Law – Bloomington recently hosted two appellate hearings at the law school’s moot court room.
Updates from the Evansville Bar and Marion County Bar Associations.
Judge Tanya Walton Pratt becomes the first African-American federal jurist in Indiana.
A former chief justice of the Florida Supreme Court, who was on the bench during Bush v. Gore, is the keynote speaker at this year’s President’s Dinner at the Indiana State Bar Association annual meeting in Indianapolis.
The state’s first African-American federal judge will be formally sworn in Friday afternoon at the United States Courthouse in Indianapolis.
The Indiana Board of Law Examiners executive director has been appointed executive secretary of the Council of Bar Admission Administrators.
Indiana’s longest-seated chief public defender and the first ever public defender in Porter County died unexpectedly Sept. 29.
If you’ve wanted to print walking-tour brochures or create an oral history of your county’s courthouse, there’s now a grant that can help you achieve that goal.
Marion County Republican prosecutor candidate Mark Massa and Democratic candidate Terry Curry will discuss their positions on various topics at a debate tomorrow.
Indiana Lawyer is sponsoring “Practicing Law in Indiana: Ethics Update” CLE event on Oct. 1 in Indianapolis. Speakers Don Lundberg of Barnes & Thornburg and Sally Franklin Zweig of Katz & Korin will review decisions and rule amendments from the past year dealing with questions of professional responsibility, legal ethics, and the law of lawyering.
Registration and lunch begin at 11:30 a.m.; the program is from noon to 1 p.m. at Barnes & Thornburg, 5th Floor Conference Center, 11 S. Meridian St., Indianapolis. The cost is $60, which includes lunch. One hour of CLE/Ethics credit is available. Click here to register online or to download a printable registration form. For questions or more information, contact Karen Aruta at (317) 472-5201 or [email protected]. Registrations are due by Sept. 27.
The Indiana Supreme Court has issued 14 orders amending various Indiana rules.
The U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works will hold a full hearing at 10 a.m. Wednesday on the nomination of Indianapolis attorney John R. Fernandez to be Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development in the U.S. Department of Commerce.
The Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence will host its annual 5K Race Away From Domestic Violence in Indianapolis this month to help raise awareness and money for its efforts to end abuse and violence.
Sen. Richard Lugar and Attorney General Greg Zoeller will be in Indianapolis Sunday to discuss Mexico’s conversion to a new criminal justice system as it struggles with organized crime cartels.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana’s annual dinner this year will honor Irving Fink, an attorney who helped found the organization and Indiana Legal Services.
The Indiana Supreme Court granted transfer to four cases Sept. 17, including one involving translated transcripts presented to a jury in a drug case.