ND Law School moves to new building
When students at the University of Notre Dame Law School come back for classes Jan. 12, they will do so in the new Eck Hall of Law.
When students at the University of Notre Dame Law School come back for classes Jan. 12, they will do so in the new Eck Hall of Law.
Indiana will receive more than $21 million in Recovery Act funds to maintain or increase public safety in the state, while creating or retaining jobs within the law enforcement community.
Four finalists have been named in a competition to design and execute new murals at the Birch Bayh Federal Building and United States Courthouse in Indianapolis.
The state's largest county court system has new leadership for the next two years. Marion Superior Judge Robert Altice, a Republican, became presiding judge of the court system for a two-year term.
The Indiana Supreme Court has agreed to take five cases, but declined to hear a judicial review case involving a transfer tax.
In honor of the 400th anniversary of Galileo's discoveries, the Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis will feature a one-man play and panel discussion regarding law, religion, and science this week.
A Seymour attorney recognized for his contributions to the community died unexpectedly Jan. 27 during a morning workout.
The Indiana Court of Appeals travels to Terre Haute Oct. 19 to hear arguments in an interlocutory appeal of a drug case in which the defendant claims the trial court abused its discretion in denying her motion to suppress.
The Indiana Supreme Court has extended the deadline for applications for customized versions of the "Family Matters: Choosing to Represent Yourself in Court" video. The new deadline for counties to apply is April 10. Last year, the Indiana Supreme Court Administration Indiana Family Court Project made a video to help courts with self-represented litigant issues. […]
An October trip to Kenya to visit legal colleagues in a partnership between Indiana and Eldoret attorneys is open to anyone who wants to join the delegation and learn more about the program.
The Indiana Supreme Court has received an award from the American Bar Association for its Law Day program this year that focused on Abraham Lincoln as a lawyer.
In an order posted today, the Indiana Supreme Court dismissed April 10 a petition to transfer to a breach of contract suit regarding the purchase of a hotel at auction.
Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller filed lawsuits today against five foreclosure consulting companies accused of violating state laws.
The Indiana Supreme Court's electronic ticketing program has won awards from two safety associations.
The Indianapolis Bar Association is accepting nominations for its 2009 Professionalism Award given to attorneys and the Silver Gavel Award for judges.
The first lecture of Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis' Distinguished Speaker Series will feature an armed conflict and counter-terrorism specialist and international law consultant.
Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard received the Administration on Children, Youth and Families Commissioner's Award for Indiana from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Heritage Hall at Valparaiso University's School of Law will undergo renovations that include creating a Lawyering Skills Center to help students prepare for the day-to-day work done by attorneys.
Indiana Court of Appeal Judges Michael Barnes, Patricia Riley, and Margret Robb travel to Hammond Thursday to hear arguments in a case involving the erection of a cell phone tower on town property. Arguments begin at 1 p.m. CST at the Hammond City Hall, Council Chambers in Bruce Scalambrino, et al. v. Town of Michiana Shores, […]
The Marion County courts are seeking comment on proposed amendments to Administrate Local Rule 49-TR 85 Rule 231 – Mandatory Settlement Conferences in Mortgage Foreclosure Cases.