
Courthouse commission members named

Gov. Mitch Daniels and Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard have selected the members of the Courthouse Preservation Advisory Commission. The commission will advise county officials on caring for Indiana's historic courthouses and provide recommendations on how they can be preserved.

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EBA recognizes attorneys for service

The Evansville Bar Association, along with the Volunteer Lawyer Program of Southwestern Indiana, presented awards for service and pro bono work to attorneys at a lunch Wednesday.

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IBA seeks nominations for award

The Indianapolis Bar Association’s Women and the Law Division is seeking nominations for its 2008 Antoinette Dakin Leach Award. July 31 is the deadline to submit nominations. The Antoinette Dakin Leach Award recognizes a female attorney for her professional and personal accomplishments. Nominees should be those who encourage other women to pursue a legal career or blaze a path not taken by others. Nominees will be evaluated on their accomplishments, service, mentoring, and professionalism. They will be honored at a luncheon this fall….

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Court implements new staff training

The Marion Superior Court has started a new continuing court education program for its employees as part of an ongoing effort to better serve staff and the community. The training was the first in a series of mandatory sessions planned for 2009.

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Governor appoints new Delaware Circuit judge

Gov. Mitch Daniels has appointed attorney Chris M. Teagle as judge of Delaware Circuit Court No. 5. Teagle succeeds Judge Wayne J. Lennington, who turned in his resignation from the bench earlier this year.Teagle, of Albany, has served in private practice in Muncie since 1985 and has had his own civil law practice since 1993. The Valparaiso University School of Law graduate will start May 16. Judge Lennington sent his resignation letter to the governor in March citing health reasons. An…

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Lake County releases judicial candidate survey

The Lake County Bar Association has released the results of its 2008 Judicial Qualification Survey of judicial candidates in Lake County. Candidates were rated on a scale from 1 to 10 in the candidate’s competence, temperament, and character, with one being not qualified and 10 being exceptionally well qualified. A total of 265 responses were received; the amount of responses varied for each candidate. According to the survey, two Lake Superior magistrate judges scored the highest: Magistrate Judge Michael Pagano had…

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Comments sought on child support rules

The Domestic Relations Committee of the Judicial Conference of Indiana is seeking public comment concerning Indiana’s Child Support Rules and Guidelines as part of its review process to propose changes to the Indiana Supreme Court. Written comments are due July 3 and may be submitted by an online survey, by fax to (317) 233-3367, or by mail to Indiana Judicial Center c/o the Domestic Relations Committee, 30 S. Meridian St., Suite 900, Indianapolis, IN 46204-3564. A public hearing will be conducted…

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Notre Dame Law receives $15 million gift

The Notre Dame Law School building will get a new name as a result of an alumnus who has donated $15 million to the school.Robert F. Biolchini, and his wife, Frances, donated the money to the school to help underwrite the renovation of the building. After renovations are finished, the building will be renamed Biolchini Hall. Renovations include an expanded Krege Law Library, two new 50-seat classrooms, new space for the Notre Dame Law Review, and new offices and workspace for…

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Marion County inspector training at IBA

The Marion County Clerk’s office will hold an inspector training session at the Indianapolis Bar Association April 21 for people interested in becoming an inspector, precinct clerk, or precinct judge for the May 6 primary. Marion County Clerk Beth White will conduct the training session from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the IBA’s office, 107 N. Pennsylvania St., Suite 200, Indianapolis. The training session offers three free hours of CLE credit for any attorney who has signed up to be an…

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Hearing set in Lake County early-voting case

Special Judge Diane Kavadias Schneider has set a hearing for the consolidated Lake Circuit Court and Lake Superior Court cases involving early-voting sites, according to Indiana Supreme Court spokesperson Kathryn Dolan. The hearing is scheduled for 10 a.m. CDT Oct. 20 in Courtroom 1, 232 Russell St., Hammond. The Indiana Supreme Court appointed Lake Superior Judge Schneider as special judge Thursday to resolve the dispute between the Lake County courts as to whether satellite early-voting sites should be allowed to be…

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Death penalty film, discussion Thursday

The death penalty is the topic of a film screening and discussion May 22 presented by the Indiana Coalition Acting to Suspend Executions (InCASE), Indiana University School of Law -Indianapolis’ Law Students Against Capital Punishment, and the Independent Film Channel. The film, “At the Death House Door,” is a personal and intimate look at the death penalty in Texas from the perspective of Carroll Pickett, a pastor who served 15 years as the death house chaplain in a Huntsville prison unit and presided…

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Supreme Court dismisses moot appeal

The Indiana Supreme Court Feb. 26 granted transfer and dismissed a case involving state officials who violated the law by not following the public bidding process when they attempted to privatize a Fort Wayne development center that housed developmentally disabled adults. In Anita Stuller, et al. v. Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr., et al., No. 02A05-0601-CV-22, the high court dismissed the case as moot “because of events that transpired after the appeal was initiated,” according to the order.The development center at issue in the…

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Senator facing health concerns

Indiana Senate assistant majority floor leader and attorney Sen. David Ford, R-Hartford City, is hospitalized and awaiting news from his doctors regarding his health.Ford, 58, was hospitalized Jan. 15 in Fort Wayne and underwent surgery Jan. 18, the same day he and Rep. Jeff Espich, R-Uniondale, announced they would postpone town hall meetings scheduled for Jan. 19.A four-term senator, Ford represents Senate District 19, which covers Adams, Allen, Blackford, Grant, and Wells counties. He chairs the Technology Subcommittee of the Senate…

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Responses for Tinder investiture due April 4

Indiana State Bar Association members have until April 4 to RSVP to attend the investiture of Judge John D. Tinder as a circuit judge for the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. The investiture will be at 2:30 p.m. April 11 in the William E. Steckler Ceremonial Courtroom in the Birch Bayh Federal Building and United States Courthouse, 46 E. Ohio St., Indianapolis. A reception at the Columbia Club, 121 Monument Circle, Indianapolis, will immediately follow the ceremony. The ISBA is now…

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Investiture for St. Joseph judge Friday

Recently appointed St. Joseph Superior Judge Margot F. Reagan will officially take the bench Dec. 5 with a 4 p.m. robing ceremony in the Superior Court courtroom in the St. Joseph County Courthouse.

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