
Trial Rule submission deadline extended

The deadline for clerks to submit an Indiana Trial Rule 77(k) request to post court information on the Internet has been extended to Feb. 29. The original deadline was Feb. 15. A complete list of counties approved to post court records can be found on the state’s judiciary Web site. Clerks, with the consent of the majority of the judges in the courts of record, may make certain court records available to the public through remote electronic access, such as the Internet….

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High court names public information officer

A former television journalist is the new public information officer for the Indiana Supreme Court. Kathryn Dolan, former morning news anchor at WLFI in Lafayette, was hired in an effort to continue promoting public awareness about the Supreme Court.Dolan will work to help better inform citizens about how the court works and the impact of its decisions, and will also encourage media coverage of the Supreme Court. Dolan, a New Mexico native, started in the position June 30.She takes over a…

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Johnson County CASA program gets grants

The Johnson County Court Appointed Special Advocates program has received four grants totaling more than $22,000 to fund the recovery from the June flood and expand the program's mission.

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Court sponsors Lincoln lecture, free CLE

The Indiana Supreme Court will host a free CLE event, "Why it Mattered That Lincoln Was a Lawyer," from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Oct. 3. The event is part of a national celebration of the bicentennial of President Abraham Lincoln's birth, Feb. 12, 2009. Anderson University professor Brian Dirck will give a special lecture at […]

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IBF seeks nominations, scholarship applicants

The Indiana Bar Foundation is seeking nominations for several pro bono awards and applicants for its scholarship for new attorneys to attend the Indiana State Bar Association’s annual fall meeting. The Randall T. Shepard Award recognizes an individual’s commitment and contributions to the pro bono movement in Indiana. The Pro Bono Publico Award highlights contributions made by volunteer attorneys to assist Hoosiers’ access the justice system. The IBF also recognizes lawyers, law firms, and bar associations for excellence in providing information…

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Child Advocates relocates

Child Advocates has relocated its offices, where it will have an open house from 4 to 6 p.m. Oct. 30.The organization moved to 8200 Haverstick Road, Suite 240, Indianapolis, IN 46240. The event is open to the public. People interested in attending should RSVP by Oct. 24 to [email protected] or call (317) 493-2240.

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Lecture to discuss judicial divide

A contemporary expert on sociological jurisprudence will discuss the formalist-realist judicial divide at Valparaiso University School of Law's 26th annual Edward A. Seegers Lecture Dec. 4.

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IBA collecting items for troops overseas

The Indianapolis Bar Association, through its Lawyers Care project, is collecting personal items and food to send to Indiana National Guard troops stationed in the Middle East.

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State trumps local red-light camera ordinances

Cities and towns that want to use red-light cameras to catch traffic violators can’t adopt an ordinance to implement the cameras because current laws allow only the state to regulate moving traffic violations, Attorney General Steve Carter said.Carter issued an official opinion Friday regarding whether a municipality can adopt an ordinance to use red-light cameras to determine whether a driver has violated traffic laws. Carter issued the opinion in response to an inquiry from Sen. Earline Rogers, D-Gary. The city of…

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Child Advocates set lunchtime orientations

Child Advocates Inc. is offering additional downtown orientation sessions this month for those interested volunteering as a child advocate for Marion County youth in child services and the foster care system.

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Mass. chief justice to speak at law school

The Indiana Supreme Court Lecture, “Anatomy of Freedom: John Adams on a Global Scale,” will feature as speaker the first female chief justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. The lecture begins at 5 p.m. March 25 at the Wynne Courtroom at Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis. Margaret H. Marshall was appointed chief justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts in 1999. Originally from South Africa, she came to the U.S. to pursue her master’s degree at Harvard…

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Volunteers needed for Talk to a Lawyer

The Indiana State Bar Association needs attorneys to volunteer for the Pro Bono Committee's annual "Talk to a Lawyer Today" effort on Jan. 19, which is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

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Lawrence sworn in as District Judge

Just days after being unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate, Judge William T. Lawrence took the oath Tuesday to become a judge in the United States District Court, Southern District of Indiana. Chief Judge David F. Hamilton administered the oath in Judge Lawrence’s courtroom in the Birch Bayh Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse in Indianapolis.Judge Lawrence had served as a United States Magistrate Judge in the Southern District of Indiana since November 2002, and is the first magistrate judge in the…

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Courthouse preservation bill, others now law

Bills relating to a courthouse preservation advisory commission, inmate issues, probate, foreclosure notices, domestic violence, and invasion of privacy concerns have been signed into law in the last week.Among the bills that are of interest to the legal community are:SEA 78, regarding probate and trust matters, signed today; HEA 1379, regarding viatical settlements, signed today; SEA 227, regarding the renamed sexual assault victim advocate standards and certification board, signed today; SEA 62, regarding posting notice of foreclosure sales, signed today; SEA…

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High court’s e-ticket wins first place award

The Indiana Supreme Court's electronic Citation and Warning System won first place in the Cygnus 2008 Innovation Award for Software at the International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference in San Diego earlier this month, the court announced today.

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Clark Circuit judge appointed

Abraham Navarro will succeed Judge Daniel F. Donahue as judge of the Clark Circuit Court. Judge Donahue is stepping down later this week. Navarro has served as a deputy prosecutor in the Floyd County Prosecutor’s Office since 2002. Prior to working in the prosecutor’s office, Navarro was an Allen Superior Court judicial law clerk from 2001 to 2002. Navarro was admitted to the bar in November 2002. He’s a member of the Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council and the Indiana Criminal Justice…

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