
Lawyer sees Super Bowl as moment to showcase inclusiveness

Attorney Greg Fehribach is looking forward to Super Bowl XLVI, when thousands of visitors to Indianapolis will make their way through downtown, thanks in part to infrastructure he helped design. For Fehribach, who uses a wheelchair as a mobility aid, the hallmark of any great city is its ability to offer everyone the same experiences.

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COA reverses trial court in OWI case

The Indiana Court of Appeals has reversed a trial court’s grant of a truck driver’s motion to suppress evidence, holding that police did not violate his rights in an unusual traffic stop.

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Governor signs human trafficking bill

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels has signed Senate Enrolled Act 4, which more clearly defines human trafficking and strengthens penalties for that crime. The new law is effective immediately.

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New suit filed protesting immigration law

The Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund has filed a lawsuit on behalf of La Union Benefica Mexicana, a nonprofit organization in East Chicago, protesting two previously unchallenged portions of Indiana’s new immigration law.

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