JULY 12-25, 2017

Black lawyers who rose through the ranks of larger law firms say they see vast changes in how life in a big firm is for newer attorneys as compared to when they were starting their careers. Law students and inmates were learning from each other through IU McKinney's Inside-Out course, until the Indianapolis re-entry facility where the classes were held was abruptly shut down. A TV station is challenging a court-imposed ban on airing audio it obtained from the court of a sentencing hearing, hoping the case makes precedent.

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JUNE 28 – JULY 11, 2017

Crowdfunding websites such as gofundme.com and others are rife with fundraising campaigns for various legal matters, from neighbors fighting to stop approval of a “factory” hog farm in northern Indiana to a federal case in which the NAACP and others seek to expand early voting in Marion County. For lawyers, the key to making rain is relationships. A pilot project from Indiana Legal Services Inc. offers on-the-spot help to small claims defendants.

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MAY 17-30, 2017

The local chapter of Chiefs in Intellectual Property (ChIPS), launched by three central Indiana women IP attorneys, is the first in the Midwest and will bring in women from a different technology sector than what is present on the East and West coasts. Law firms and attorney are seeing the value in increasing business development efforts to attract new clients. The advent of e-filing has led couriers to alter the services they offer since they no longer need to rush to the courthouse each day.

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