JUNE 22-JULY 5, 2022

We lead off this issue with Indiana's biggest legal news of the moment: the announcement that current Court of Appeals of Indiana Judge Derek Molter will become the state's next Supreme Court justice. Indiana Lawyer reporter Katie Stancombe dives into Molter's background and what his appointment means for the future of the high court. Meanwhile, IL managing editor Jordan Morey takes a look back at the evolution of veterans courts in Indiana as the state's first vets courts marks its 10-year anniversary. Plus, we have a double-header in this issue's Focus, covering both Indiana's new laws and updates in the world of manufacturing and industry. Read those stories and more in the June 22-July 5, 2022, issue of Indiana Lawyer.

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JUNE 8-21, 2022

How can we prevent this from happening again? That's the question many are asking after the recent mass shootings in Texas and New York last month. Indiana Lawyer Managing Editor Jordan Morey dug into national and statewide data and spoke with local officials to get a glimpse into what, if any, changes could be coming regarding local gun laws. Also in this issue, IL Senior Reporter Marilyn Odendahl detailed the monumental Indiana Supreme Court ruling that handed Gov. Eric Holcomb a win over the Legislature and the strong words the justices had for Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita. In another front-page story, Odendahl got insight into the Biden administration's nomination of U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana Magistrate Judge Doris Pryor to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. This week's Focus is the Indiana Trial Lawyers Association, where we spoke with new ITLA President Dan Pfeifer. Be sure to read these stories and much more in the June 8-21, 2022 edition of Indiana Lawyer.

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MAY 25-JUNE 7, 2022

It's the news that's been dominating legal headlines all month: the leak of a SCOTUS draft opinion indicating the court may be ready to overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. IL managing editor Jordan Morey gets reactions to the leak from Indiana jurists and dives in to what overturning Roe might mean for abortion in Indiana. Also this month, a new crop of Hoosier attorneys were sworn into the Indiana bar. IL senior reporter Marilyn Odendahl has a look at why the associate market is hot, and what new lawyers are asking of potential employers, in the New Lawyers Focus. And as an added bonus — we've got a second Focus section in this issue! In it, IL reporter Katie Stancombe looks at how the pandemic has prompted elderly Hoosiers to take a more proactive approach to estate planning. Read those stories, and more, in the May 25, 2022, issue of Indiana Lawyer.

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MAY 11-24, 2022

It's a big year for the Court of Appeals of Indiana, as the state's intermediate appellate court marks 50 years of being a constitutional court. Indiana Lawyer senior reporter Marilyn Odendahl gives us a brief history of the court, as well as a look inside a new book that sheds light on the lives and personalities of the judges who have presided over the COA. Meanwhile in Indiana's trial courts, access to justice issues continue to plague litigants and court resources. IL reporter Katie Stancombe spoke directly with Hoosier trial court judges about the struggles they're facing and their efforts to ensure justice is truly for all. Plus, IL managing editor Jordan Morey tells us about a new law designed to increase support for victims of violent crimes. Read those stories and more in the May 11-24, 2022, issue of Indiana Lawyer.

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APRIL 27-MAY 10, 2022

HEA 116 has brought some odd opposition. Groups that advocate for paper ballots and verifiable paper trails lobbied against the bill that calls for Indiana touch-screen voting machines to be retrofitted with devices that produce a paper printout. With midterm elections around the corner, be sure to read IL senior reporter Marilyn Odendahl's report.  This week's Focus looks at increased  spending by in-house counsel for outside help. Also in this issue, IL reporter Katie Stancombe writes about an attorney's goal of running a marathon in all 50 states as well as an Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law professor who taught a class on COVID-19 and the law this spring. For the web exclusive, Adams Superior Judge Sam Conrad is the next Hoosier trial court judge to be featured in our spotlight series focused on the state’s judicial officers in more rural communities. Read those stories and more in the April 27, 2022, issue of Indiana Lawyer.

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APRIL 13-26, 2022

After eight years at the helm of Indiana University Maurer School of Law, Austen Parrish is stepping down from his post as dean to join the University of California, Irvine School of Law. Indiana Lawyer senior reporter Marilyn Odendahl has a look back at Parrish's time at IU Maurer and the legacy he will leave. Meanwhile, the state of Indiana is one step closer to having a new Supreme Court justice — IL reporter Katie Stancombe has the details from the latest round of candidate interviews. And in this issue's Web Exclusive, IL managing editor Jordan Morey delves into the emerging world of NFTs and what the new digital assets mean for IP law. Read those stories and more in the April 13, 2022, issue of Indiana Lawyer.

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MARCH 30-APRIL 12, 2022

The United States Judicial Conference is taking steps to ensure federal judges are mindful of their financial interests when they take on a new case, but do the new regulations go far enough? Indiana Lawyer senior reporter Marilyn Odendahl has that story. Meanwhile, Indiana prosecutors are preparing for a new rape statute designed to address situations where a victim doesn't verbally resist, but both proponents and opponents of the change are unsure about its impact. IL reporter Katie Stancombe has more. And in the Intellectual Property Focus, IL managing editor Jordan Morey takes a look at the "Wild, Wild West" of name, image and likeness regulations among student-athletes. Read those stories and more in the March 30, 2022, issue of Indiana Lawyer.

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MARCH 16-29, 2022

With the world watching the situation in Ukraine unfold, Hoosier lawyers and judges are remembering a time when our judiciary partnered with courts across the globe. Indiana Lawyer reporter Katie Stancombe has the story on the Indiana-Ukraine judicial partnership. Relatedly, IL managing editor Jordan Morey provides insight into how Hoosier law schools are working the Ukrainian conflict into students' legal education. And in the Employment Law Focus, IL senior reporter Marilyn Odendahl tells us why in-house lawyers are expecting a surge in class action lawsuits against employers. Read those stories and more in the March 16, 2022, issue of Indiana Lawyer.

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MARCH 2-15, 2022

Should kids in child welfare cases have a right to counsel? Many advocates say yes, but Indiana hasn't mandated it — yet. Indiana Lawyer senior reporter Marilyn Odendahl has the story on how a bill in the Indiana Statehouse, though likely dead, could move the state in that direction. Also from the Statehouse, IL managing editor Jordan Morey takes a look at the legal battles already brewing over a controversial bill targeting transgender student-athletes. And staying in the Statehouse for the Energy & Environment Focus, IL reporter Katie Stancombe takes a look at possible changes to how courts review decisions from environmental regulation agencies. Read those stories and more in the March 2, 2022, issue of Indiana Lawyer.

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FEB. 16-MARCH 1, 2022

As the nation waits to hear who President Joe Biden will name as his first U.S. Supreme Court nominee, Indiana legal leaders are anticipating the fulfillment of his promise to nominate the first Black woman to the high court. IL managing editor Jordan Morey and reporter Katie Stancombe spoke with those leaders about their hope for the future of SCOTUS and the judiciary as a whole. Meanwhile, IL senior reporter Marilyn Odendhal has an interview with Greg Gotwald, the new leader of Plews Shadley Racher & Braun who describes his career as a series of right turns. Plus, we've got a new Focus section for you to check out: Diversity in Law. Read all that and more inside the Feb. 16, 2022, issue of Indiana Lawyer.

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