
IndyBar: Bench Bar 2021: Reconnect, Refine and Refresh

After a year apart from our friends, colleagues and mentors, the IndyBar is, as always, on the forefront of creating dynamic new content while adapting to new trends in technology and the law. To that end, we have some exciting news: We will be revamping the IndyBar’s flagship event: the Bench Bar Conference.

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Adams and Engel: Planning considerations for IRC Section 1031 exchanges

Many commercial real estate owners, even those who previously did not intend to sell, are considering selling their real estate to take advantage of current market conditions. With transactions seemingly becoming quicker each year, it is important for owners to consider many factors when preparing to sell their real estate, including executing an Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 1031 exchange.

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DTCI: Providing Instructions Under the IPLA

The Indiana Product Liability Act (IPLA) can prove confusing for litigants unfamiliar with its many nuances. While the burden of proving duty, breach, causation, and damages rests with the plaintiff in a civil action, in practice, defense attorneys are often tasked with extricating a defendant that has no duty of care with respect to the specific claims brought against it.

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IndyBar Board Approves Racial Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Commission Report and Recommendations

The Indianapolis Bar Association recognizes that equality, diversity and inclusion impact all aspects of work among members of the IndyBar, within the practice of law and within the communities where we live and work. The association, through its actions and those of its members, seeks to be instrumental in creating a more equitable, diverse and inclusive society.

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