
Barrett ascends to high court

The newest — and youngest — justice ascended to the nation’s highest court just shy of three years after her confirmation to the federal bench from the classrooms of her alma mater, the University of Notre Dame Law School.

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User-friendly data: Lawyer-technologists launch new software to address e-discovery problems

A developer of software that comprehensively tracks e-discovery progress in real time describes his team’s inspiration this way: “What we tried to do was take away some of the barriers because people go to law school to be lawyers not to learn software or how to put together Excel spreadsheets … We wanted to create something that was the path of least resistance for people. They just log in and get all the critical information they need.”

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New and soon-to-be lawyers chart a different course in uncertain times

The uncertainty of the times is heightening the worry and stress among law students and new lawyers, but career counselors say the people just entering the legal profession are doing more to confront the issues of the day. They are discussing ways to solve injustices and inequities, pursuing jobs in the public sector and carefully evaluating law firms to determine if they share the same values.

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Decisions change double jeopardy analysis, create questions

Recent Indiana Supreme Court decisions changed the tests to prove claims of double jeopardy. Lawyers say it will take time to know the true impact of these rulings, which the Court of Appeals has already applied in  multiple decisions, and there’s a likelihood the Legislature could get involved in response to the decisions.

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Letter to the editor: Courteous and professional? We can do better

I generally cannot go but a few weeks without having a phone call with opposing counsel littered with interruptions. I can tell you several names of opposing counsel who have simply hung up on me (most of the time, they are the ones who called in the first place). … Candidly, this is all purely anecdotal. However, I can tell you that, unfortunately, every instance involved behavior conducted by a male attorney.

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