
Decisions change double jeopardy analysis, create questions

Recent Indiana Supreme Court decisions changed the tests to prove claims of double jeopardy. Lawyers say it will take time to know the true impact of these rulings, which the Court of Appeals has already applied in  multiple decisions, and there’s a likelihood the Legislature could get involved in response to the decisions.

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Letter to the editor: Courteous and professional? We can do better

I generally cannot go but a few weeks without having a phone call with opposing counsel littered with interruptions. I can tell you several names of opposing counsel who have simply hung up on me (most of the time, they are the ones who called in the first place). … Candidly, this is all purely anecdotal. However, I can tell you that, unfortunately, every instance involved behavior conducted by a male attorney.

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Crabtree: A healthy dose of humility never hurt anyone

The last thing Indiana Lawyer readers need is a new attorney giving them tips, best practices and pitfalls to avoid. So as a new attorney, I will instead tell a story about humility — something that any person can (and should) experience at any time in their life. I received a large dose of it after I was sworn in as an attorney.

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IndyBar: Start Gifting with IndyBar’s Giving!

For 2020 (and likely 2021,) in lieu of the annual gala, the IndyBar Foundation will host an online holiday auction: IndyBar’s Giving. This special event will take place during the week of Thanksgiving in an effort to kick-start holiday shopping and get members into the holiday spirit.

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Collins: New associates: Step one — develop your skills

Many of you recently passed the state bar exam and were sworn in to practice law within the last couple of months. I was in your shoes one year ago and will now impart some of the “knowledge” I have learned in my first year as a lawyer. It is up to you to decide if what I have learned is helpful to you or if I am full of it.

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Schilling: Legal workplace strategy in the era of COVID-19

After COVID-19, law firms must rethink what the office environment can deliver better than the experience of working remotely. What can the future law firm office do better? How can tomorrow’s law firm office improve connection and interaction, encourage collaboration, and provide modern, convenient services?

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DTCI: Looking forward to simple pleasures whenever we return to normal

As I write this article, my thoughts are focusing on the future and what I anticipate doing again when we return to normal — whatever that normal may be. Some who know me — and especially my wife — know that I am more of a “half-empty glass” than a “half-full glass” person. However, with an optimistic eye, I will look forward to what the future may be when we return to normal.

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