
JLAP: Retirement — the view from the other side

Retirement. Depending on where someone is on the age spectrum, it is a prospect too distant to be felt with any sense of reality or something that is coming like a fastball straight at your nose. Two lawyers who recently retired and I exchanged our thoughts about life in retirement.

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Bravo, Parrish co-chair review of Jordan namings

When Indiana University decided to assemble a committee to reevaluate the naming of buildings and landmarks on the Bloomington campus after the school’s seventh president, David Starr Jordan, who afterward championed eugenics, the institution started by calling the law schools.

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Start Page: IPad OS update gives you permission to Scribble

For a long time, I’ve wanted a legal pad app for my iPad that could reliably turn my handwriting into text. The iPad and Apple Pencil should do this well, but there was too much friction in getting the text to be recognized and usable. That’s all changed with the latest iPad OS update. Apple gives users Scribble — the ability to hand-write in any field on the iPad and the iPad will turn handwriting into text, almost instantly. This is a serious tool.

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Boldt: Go with the flowchart to show the course for estate plans

A helpful tool to simplify complex scenarios for clients is the use of visual aids or flowcharts to demonstrate key portions of a will or trust. Particularly in a trust instrument, a diagram of how assets flow is often very helpful to clients and helps them understand things simply.

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DTCI: Flipping the Paradigm: Presenting Subsequent Remedial Measures as a Defense to Punitive Damage Claims against Motor Carriers

The legendary Green Bay Packers coach, Vince Lombardi, is credited with saying, “Hope is not a strategy.” The trucking industry and those who defend it need to move beyond merely hoping that the jury will be convinced that the plaintiffs have failed to carry their burden of proof on punitives. Recent verdict history shows that arguing that the conduct at issue “wasn’t that bad” often fails.

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IndyBar: Win Tickets to the 2020 Virtual BGD LegCon!

The IndyBar Government Practice Section is pleased to offer two tickets to Bingham Greenebaum Doll’s 29th annual Legislative Conference (LegCon) to section members. LegCon will be completely virtual this year and will take place on Thursday, Dec. 17. Registration, as well as the agenda and speaker lineup, will be available soon.

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IndyBar: Ask a Lawyer

IndyBar volunteers were scattered across the city on Tuesday, Oct. 6 for the biannual Ask a Lawyer legal advice program. Click here for photos from the event.

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