
Orlowski: Adjusting arbitration for the age of COVID-19

One alternative dispute resolution option to consider during the pandemic is expedited arbitration. Both the American Arbitration Association (AAA) and the International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution (CPR) offer an “expedited” or “fast track” option for dispute resolution that truly accelerates the proceedings.

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Trimble: 10 tips for new lawyers: Get your career off to a good start

On Sept. 21, 2020, a whole new cohort of lawyers took the oath to practice law in Indiana. You have joined our profession in the strangest and least predictable year that any of us has seen. We welcome you into the bar with enthusiasm, high expectations and hope that our profession will soon return to a semblance of normal. This year more than ever you will need our support, guidance and patience as you get started.

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IndyBar: Frazzle, Dazzle, Rinse, Repeat

Let’s dispense with the pleasantries and get real. We are not OK. We are in the midst of a global pandemic, suffering through a highly contested presidential election, gearing up for another Supreme Court battle, the Pacific Northwest is on fire, the Eastern seaboard and Gulf Coast have been hit with so many hurricanes that they are using the Greek alphabet, we have all been forced to conserve toilet paper at some point in the last six months, and the cherry on top — many of us are educating our kids from home while working full-time jobs. What in the literal 2020 is happening? I honestly have no idea, but I have devised a three-part survival guide to get us through this.

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Hammerle on… The death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg — Now what?

The death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been devasting to many, including me. She became only the second woman to serve on the court, and her reputation was legendary. In her memory, movie reviewer Bob Hammerle reprises his reviews of “RBG” and “On the Basis of Sex,” both released in 2018 and both of which should be required viewing for all law students.

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IndyBar President’s Column: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg — A Reflection in Her Own Words

Despite her personal achievements as a Supreme Court litigator and justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was quick to recognize that “the work of perfection is scarcely done. Many stains remain . . . [W]e still struggle to achieve greater understanding and appreciation of each other across racial, religious and socioeconomic lines.” But, again, these impediments were an opportunity for Justice Ginsburg to “strive to realize the ideal — to become a more perfect union.”

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IndyBar: Around the Bar

Now is your opportunity to volunteer to help the less fortunate in our community and to nominate deserving legal professionals for two prestigious upcoming IndyBar honors.

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DTCI: Working while sick? It’s different in the COVID-19 era

In the age of COVID-19, having a system that incentivizes employees to work while sick is not tenable. Most of the symptoms of COVID-19 overlap with the symptoms of illnesses such as strep throat, bronchitis, sinus infection and other viruses that are so common when the weather turns cold. As we well know, if an employee’s illness turns out to be COVID-19, working while sick could be a medical calamity or worse for a vulnerable coworker.

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