
Southern District extends COVID-19 in-person restrictions

No in-person proceedings will take place at the Southern District Court until June 15, except under emergency circumstances, the district court announced in a Tuesday order. That date, however, is subject to change depending on the state of the COVID-19 pandemic in each of the district court’s four divisions, the order says.

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Supreme Court appears likely to reject Trump immunity claim

The United States Supreme Court on Tuesday appeared likely to reject President Donald Trump’s claim that he is immune from criminal investigation while in office. But the court seemed less clear about exactly how to handle subpoenas from Congress and the Manhattan district attorney for Trump’s tax, bank and financial records.

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Law schools help draw blueprints to migrating courts online

Examining a witness online made Sarah Kelly a little disconcerted. The Indiana University Maurer School of Law student was part of the patent trial class that spends an entire semester preparing a patent case then culminates in a mock trial. Typically the pseudo litigation takes place in a courtroom before a jury and real judge, but this year the COVID-19 emergency pushed the courtroom battle online.

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As companies reopen, in-house lawyers feel the pinch

As companies have scrambled to stay solvent, in-house legal counsel have been working around the clock to keep up with the ever-changing pandemic response and guidance. What was relevant one day becomes irrelevant the next, leaving corporate lawyers with an information deluge to sift through.

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Bont: Trying times make jury trials virtually impossible

Zoom meetings are starting to grow on me, sweatpants are way more comfortable than a suit and Justice Clarence Thomas is letting loose during telephonic oral arguments that are being broadcast in real time on C-SPAN. Despite these nice diversions from reality, I think we are all ready for life to get back to normal sooner rather than later and especially to be rid of the financial stress associated with this time.

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Pro Bono Matters: Pandemic forces legal aid groups to think outside the box

Pro bono and legal aid efforts are not immune to the adjustments needed to serve clients in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Court closures and restrictions on in-person gatherings have forced legal services organizations such as Indiana Legal Services Inc. to get creative about how they can continue to engage volunteer attorneys and provide legal services to those in need.

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Big data is predicting outcomes in court

Big data is growing in importance, and corporate legal departments, despite being slower to adapt initially, are increasingly utilizing data analytics as part of their practices, according to a 2019 report. But despite all the hype, big data, by itself, cannot do a thing.

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