
Law firms pivot to keep clients informed about COVID-19 issues

Law firms have been pivoting to marshal the resources needed to answer the questions clients and nonclients have about the coronavirus emergency through websites, emails, podcasts, webinars and more. The topics covered range from government initiatives such as the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act and the Federal Reserve’s business loan program to unemployment benefits, force majeure clauses and cybersecurity.

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Osterday: So God made a millennial, and not a minute too late

Admittedly, we millennials are a bit coddled. But what preceding generations — and especially the legal profession — fail to appreciate is a millennial’s we-can-do-this-better attitude, particularly where technology is concerned. And arguably, that attitude should win the day right now.

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Letter to the editor: Statewide vote by mail needed

While all voters in the state are eligible to vote by mail in the upcoming primary election, if you live outside of Marion County, you are left to fend for yourself. Lack of leadership on the part of Secretary of State Connie Lawson means that not all voters will have the same opportunity to vote.

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DTCI: Marital Privilege — A State Law Refresher

Marital privilege exists at the state and federal level, although the rules and law governing it differ by forum. The privilege aims to foster marital health and harmony, freeing spouses to communicate without concern that their intimate communications could be used against them.

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