
Supreme Court petitioned on police officers’ legal immunity

James King had no idea that the men who grabbed him and took his wallet were plainclothes officers looking for a fugitive. King’s case is one of several taken up by the Arlington-based Institute for Justice in an effort to get the U.S. Supreme Court to reconsider the “qualified immunity” doctrine, which frequently shields police officers and other government agents from lawsuits when they are accused of violating a person’s constitutional rights.

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CASAs share experiences, hopes for Hoosier kids at 30th anniversary celebration

Compassion. Persistence. Patience. These are shared qualities that Indiana’s court appointed special advocates have when working with thousands of Hoosier kids in the child welfare system each year. Indiana Lawyer spoke with a few of those advocates about their personal experiences as CASAs following a 30th anniversary celebration of the Indiana Office of GAL/CASA on March 4.

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