
‘Children are children’: Coalition forms after legislative attempt to lower waiver age

The Children’s Policy and Law Initiative of Indiana and more than 20 nonprofits and community groups have joined together to form the Indiana Coalition for Youth Justice, which advocates for reform in the juvenile justice system so that it offers treatment, programs and interventions that are age-appropriate, fairly applied and result in the best possible outcomes for Indiana children and public safety.

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Lawsuits hatch from egg contract that spoiled

Less than a month after an Indiana jury delivered a $1.46 million verdict against Evansville-based Rexing Quality Eggs, the contract dispute was still going, with the parties arguing at the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals over the return of plastic egg packing materials.

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Willful wrong? SCOTUS to resolve circuit split on profits

Among the circuit courts of appeal, there is an even split between the 1st, 2nd, 8th, 9th, 10th and Washington, D.C., circuits and the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 11th over whether the Lanham Act requires “willful” infringement before a plaintiff can recover profits. The United States Supreme Court is set to bring clarity to the circuit split when it hears arguments in Romag Fasteners Inc. v. Fossil Inc., 18-1233, next month.

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Courts as conveners: Task force led by Rush releases recommendations for judicial response to opioid crisis

The National Judicial Opioid Task Force was created in 2017 to delve into ways the judiciary could get a handle on the opioid crisis. Co-chaired by Indiana Chief Justice Loretta Rush, the task force’s work culminated late last month in the release of a report that includes four findings and six recommendations for how courts can respond to the current drug scourge and be better prepared for the next addiction crisis.

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IndyBar: YLD’s Office Hours: Ease the Burden of Young Lawyering

Whether you’re working at a firm, at a nonprofit, for the government or you decided to hang your own shingle, it can feel lonely being a new attorney in a world of people who seem to have things figured out. We’re here for you. The IndyBar Young Lawyer Division (YLD) has put into place something we’re calling Office Hours!

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CLE certifies attorneys to administer opioid overdose reversal drug

In addition to checking off two hours of CLE credit before the year’s end, attorneys who attended an Indianapolis Bar Association event earlier this month left certified to administer a life-saving drug. Lawyers learned how to properly use naloxone – commonly known by its brand name, Narcan – following a demonstration presented by the Indiana State Department of Health.

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Uhl and Bose: Domino’s effect: SCOTUS skips clarifying ADA web access

Businesses are increasingly facing lawsuits under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regarding whether their websites are accessible to persons with disabilities. Recently, the United States Supreme Court declined an opportunity to address the law applicable to such claims, leaving businesses with little clarity as to what potential exposure they face.

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