
Marion Superior reminds lawyers to not monopolize hearings

Indianapolis attorney Fred Pfenninger is baffled and slightly miffed about the Marion Superior Court imposing a limit of roughly 15 cases per law firm per supplemental hearing. But James Joven, presiding judge of the Civil Term for Marion Superior Courts, said the limitation on the number of filings has been in place for several years.

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Honoring the honorable: Marshall added, Dred Scott author removed from Southern District mural

Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, arguably best known for authoring the notorious 1857 majority opinion in Dred Scott v. Sanford, used to be featured in an Indiana Southern District Court mural. But his name was recently replaced with “Marshall,” representing longest-serving Chief Justice John Marshall and Associate Justice Thurgood Marshall, the court’s first African-American justice.


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DTCI: Young Lawyers Step Up

The September community service event at Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana was hosted by the Young Lawyers Committees of DTCI and ITLA. Six DTCI members and two ITLA members attended.

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