
Disciplinary Actions

Read which Indiana lawyers recently had disciplinary judgments in their favor, were reinstated and suspended.

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McKinney alumnae forge friendships spanning 40 years

A group of women law student trailblazers who entered the profession in the late 1970s never let their bond of friendship fade. At a recent 40th annual reunion,one asked her former IU McKinney classmates, “Can anyone here imagine being where you are today without the others?” They responded in unison, “no.”

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Bingham goes big: Combination with Dentons part of ‘national law firm’ launch

The first steps that led to the combination of Bingham Greenebaum Doll with international giant Dentons were taken in the late spring of 2018, when Bingham leaders W. Tobin McClamroch and Keith Bice fielded a proposal from a friend. In the conference room of Bingham’s Indianapolis office, Joe Andrew, Dentons global chairman and former partner at Bingham Summers Welsh & Spilman, told the partners about the need he saw for a national law firm with offices across the country. No firm currently has an office in the top 20 markets even though, he said, clients are everywhere.

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3 judges face discipline in Indianapolis shooting

Clark Circuit Judges Andrew Adams and Bradley Jacobs and Crawford Circuit Judge Sabrina Bell each have been charged with ethics violations for their roles in a now-infamous Indianapolis altercation that left Adams and Jacobs hospitalized with serious gunshot wounds. The charges detail a night of bar-hopping by the southern Indiana jurists during the evening of April 30 into the early morning of May 1 that ended in a confrontation that escalated to violence.

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COA affirms IURC’s order in Hamilton Southeastern rate case

An order from the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission requiring a Hamilton County utility to comply with national guidelines to support a rate hike was upheld Tuesday by the Indiana Court of Appeals. Hamilton Southeastern Utilities uses its operations contractor, Sanitary Management & Engineering Co., to carry out all operation, maintenance and engineering functions of HSE’s […]

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