
Stakeholders praise pretrial reforms at statewide summit

Across Indiana, 44 local jails are currently at capacity. But if half of all pretrial detainees were released, that number would fall to 11. A key lawmaker used that statistic Friday to demonstrate the possible benefits in Indiana’s efforts to release low-level, low-risk offenders as an alternative to cash bail.

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Rush, David dissent in denial of appeal after joint mistrial request rejected

A man’s conviction in a domestic battery case after both defense and prosecution asked for a mistrial because a relative of the defendant communicated with a juror outside court will stand after the Indiana Supreme Court in a 3-2 decision chose not to hear the appeal. Chief Justice Loretta Rush and Justice Steven David published a dissent, believing the defendant had been prejudiced and was entitled to a new trial.

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Kuzma appointed to Legal Services Corp. board

A former Indiana assistant attorney general who founded a major Indianapolis-based legal aid organization has been appointed to the national board that oversees federal funding for civil legal aid service providers across the United States.

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