
Trump ordered aid frozen; more Democrats want impeachment

President Donald Trump ordered his staff to freeze nearly $400 million in aid to Ukraine a few days before a phone call in which he pressured the eastern European nation’s leader to investigate the family of political rival Joe Biden, a revelation that comes as more Democrats move toward impeachment proceedings.

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Proper forum for dispute is tax court, not bankruptcy

A federal appellate panel has answered questions as to whether a bankruptcy court can determine the amount of a debtor’s tax obligations when the debtor is unlikely to pay them. Although a U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Indiana answered yes to that question, a district judge disagreed.

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Justices order new drunken driving trial after possible juror bias

A woman convicted on a drunken driving charge will get a new trial after the Indiana Supreme Court unanimously threw out her conviction on Friday. The justices remanded the Marion County case because the trial court did not hold a hearing to determine whether the defendant could have challenged a selected juror who later admitted that a family member had been killed by a drunken driver.


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The Latest: Patient records found at closed abortion clinics

Indiana’s attorney general says thousands of patient medical records have been found at three shuttered Indiana abortion clinics that were operated by a late abortion doctor whose Illinois garage was found to contain more than 2,200 sets of preserved fetal remains. Attorney General Curtis Hill said Friday that the women who were patients at Dr. Ulrich Klopfer’s clinics in Gary, South Bend and Fort Wayne had an expectation that their privacy would be protected, but their records were “abandoned” in the clinics when they closed years ago.

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