
Advocates: Abortion ruling continues unconstitutional trend

As the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana and Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky marked yet another legal victory in a challenge to an Indiana abortion law, the leaders of the organizations say they hope state lawmakers will begin to see what they say is the futility of the annual passage of abortion-restricting legislation.

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Abortion experts say Kavanaugh can’t end Roe alone

As the U.S. Senate gears up for Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings and citizens continue discussing the potential impact the D.C. Circuit judge could have on the U.S. Supreme Court, one issue continually rises to the top of the dialogues: abortion rights and the possibility of overturning Roe v. Wade.

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Supreme Court enjoys relatively high public confidence

The next Supreme Court justice will join the bench at a time when the public has more confidence in the high court than in Congress or the presidency. A Gallup survey in June found 37 percent of Americans have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in the court, while another 42 percent have “some” confidence. Only 18 percent have little or no confidence in the court.

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Judge blocks latest Indiana abortion restriction

For the third consecutive year, an Indiana law that would have raised restrictions on abortion rights was blocked by a federal judge. Abortion rights supporters say they expect more such attempts in the future, while the continuity of those federal rights has suddenly become an open question.

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Planned Parenthood closes Fort Wayne center, citing harassment

Planned Parenthood has closed its health center in Indiana’s second-largest city, blaming intimidation and harassment by supporters of a local anti-abortion group. Planned Parenthood said it closed its Fort Wayne health center Monday following growing harassment and intimidation of the center’s staff that it blamed on supporters of Allen County Right to Life.

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ACLU, PPINK expect Indiana to keep passing abortion laws

Speaking at a press conference about Thursday’s federal court order stopping another abortion law passed by the Indiana Legislature, ACLU of Indiana legal director Ken Falk noted this is not the first time the Statehouse has passed a bill attempting to limit abortions. 

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Indiana abortion laws challenged by national abortion advocates

Indiana’s abortion laws are once again being challenged in federal court, this time by national healthcare and abortion providers. Whole Woman’s Health Alliance and All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center filed suit on Thursday as co-plaintiffs in a case against the state, challenging the constitutionality of Indiana abortion laws.

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Justices allow Arkansas to enforce abortion restrictions

The Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed Arkansas to enforce restrictions on how so-called abortion pills can be administered while a legal challenge to the restrictions proceeds, which critics say effectively ends that option for women in the state.

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AG Hill: Prosecutors have no say in defending Indiana abortion law

Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill is hitting back at three county prosecutors who have declined to defend the state in its most recent abortion-related lawsuit, saying the prosecutors have no authority to determine how the case proceeds. Prosecutors in Marion, Lake and Monroe counties said Wednesday the ceded the merits of a case challenging a new law that would require reporting of “abortion complications.”

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7th Circuit strikes Indiana’s abortion law

In a split 2-1 decision, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down Indiana’s abortion ban, which prohibited a woman from terminating her pregnancy because of the gender, race or disability of the fetus.

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