

Ties to Florida firm burn Indiana lawyers

Small-town lawyer Justin Wall argues in his discipline case that he’s fighting not just for his career, but for the livelihoods of his Huntington co-workers and the needs of his community after he tried to drum up business with a regretful decision to answer a Craigslist ad four years ago.

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Indiana Supreme Court disbars Tim Durham

The Indiana Supreme Court disbarred Indianapolis attorney Tim Durham Wednesday because of his “fraudulent looting of funds entrusted to him by investors.” Durham is currently serving a 50-year sentence for 10 counts of wire and securities fraud.

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Lawyer invokes ADA in discipline case after crime

A northeastern Indiana lawyer who allegedly “terrified” a woman who rejected his romantic advances contends in his resulting attorney discipline case that he had an undiagnosed mental illness. Because of that, he argues that an Indiana Supreme Court sanction against his license to practice law would violate the Americans with Disabilities Act.

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Suspended attorney’s UPL convictions upheld

The Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed a suspended Elkhart attorney’s convictions of practicing law by a non-attorney after ruling there is sufficient evidence he continued to provide legal work after he was disciplined by the Indiana Supreme Court two years ago.

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Supreme Court disbars South Bend lawyer

The Indiana Supreme Court issued a disbarment decision Wednesday finding Elton Johnson committed attorney misconduct in a number of ways. The per curiam decision lists incompetent representation, converting client funds and failing to cooperate with the disciplinary process as reasons for Johnson’s disbarment.

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2 found in contempt for practicing law

The Indiana Supreme Court has fined two attorneys after finding them in contempt for practicing law while one was suspended and after one had resigned from the bar nearly 10 years ago.

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