
Plenty of help-wanted signs as lawyer jobs go unfilled

The January edition of the Lake County Bar Association’s monthly newsletter, The Minute Sheet, showed just how fierce the ongoing war for talent has gotten in the legal profession — 21 help wanted ads had been posted primarily by northwest Indiana law firms looking for attorneys. The extensive classified section in the newsletter reflects the need for more attorneys that law firms around the state and across the country say they have because of an increased workload.

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Clogged pipelines: Study finds women attorneys still outnumbered in federal appeals

A recent study found men arguing before the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals outnumbered women nearly three to one, which has remained largely unchanged in a decade. While slightly more women argued before the court in 2019 compared to 2009, that change was primarily attributable to the public sector. Women were also found to be more likely to represent and work for the government instead of private entities.

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2 attorneys leave the law to answer the call of their faith

Neither Bishop Robert McClory of the Diocese of Gary nor United Methodist Pastor Denise Robinson experienced a jolt of conversion where they suddenly decided to make a U-turn and enter the religious life. Rather, the former commercial litigator and the former prosecutor, respectively, had long heard a quiet call of their faith and tried to respond by being active members of their churches. Eventually, however, they each determined they needed to do more, so they walked away from their legal careers to join the clergy.

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