
Opinions Oct. 28, 2020

Indiana Court of Appeals
Matthew S. Reed v. State of Indiana (mem. dec.)
Criminal. Affirms Matthew Reed’s convictions for 10 counts of Level 1 felony child molesting. Finds the Whitley Circuit Court properly admitted Detective Lorrie Freiburger’s testimony and the photograph of the anal lubricant. Also finds the evidence was sufficient to sustain Reed’s convictions in Counts VI through X.

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Opinions Oct. 27, 2020

Indiana Supreme Court
Indiana Land Trust Company, f/k/a Lake County Trust Company TR #4340 v. XL Investment Properties, LLC and LaPorte County Auditor
Miscellaneous. Affirms the LaPorte Superior Court’s denial of Indiana Land Trust Company’s motion to set aside a tax deed related to Trust 4340. Finds that the LaPorte County auditor provided adequate notice and was not required to search its internal records for a better tax sale notice address when the notice sent via certified mail was returned as undeliverable.

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Opinions Oct. 26, 2020

The following 7th Circuit Court of Appeals was posted after IL deadline Friday.
Common Cause Indiana v. Connie Lawson, et al.
Appeal from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division. Judge Richard Young.
Civil. Reverses preliminary injunction blocking Indiana from enforcing the 2019 amendments to Indiana Code sections 3-11.7-2, 3-11.7-3 and 3-11.7-4. Finds the amendments that prevent individual voters from petitioning state courts to extending polling hours on Election Day do not unconstitutionally burden Hoosiers’ fundamental right to vote. Rules because Indiana voters still can seek remedy in the courts under 42 U.S.C. section 1983, the amendments do not violate the Supremacy Clause. Holds even if voters have a liberty interest in statutorily established poll hours, the amendments do not deprive them of that interest. Finally, concludes that Purcell v. Gonzalez, 549 U.S. 1, 4 (2006) applies to the case at hand.

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Opinions Oct. 23, 2020

Indiana Court of Appeals
Shalee C. Dowell v. State of Indiana
Criminal. Reverses Shalee Dowell’s conviction of Level 6 felony maintaining a common nuisance and remands to the Perry Circuit Court to vacate the conviction and sentence, reducing her aggregate meth-dealing-related sentence from 23 to 21½ years in prison. The evidence was insufficient to support the conviction because the state lacked proof that the vehicle Dowell used in the underlying crime was used in more than one drug transaction.

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Opinions Oct. 22, 2020

The following Indiana Supreme Court opinion was posted after IL deadline Wednesday:
Timothy J. Brown v. Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Miscellaneous. Grants transfer and vacates a portion of the Indiana Court of Appeals’ affirming opinion in Timothy Brown’s case against IDEM, finding that the law-of-the-case doctrine “is applicable only when an appellate court determines a legal issue, not a trial court.” Finds that the COA need not have reached so broad a conclusion to resolve the issue. Otherwise affirms the Marion Superior Court’s conclusion that the law-of-the-case doctrine does not apply in this case’s specific circumstances.

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