
Appellate court: Minor not ‘Indian child’ under ICWA

A father who argued his daughter was an Indian child under federal law during a termination of parental rights battle lost his appeal of the termination Monday, when the Indiana Court of Appeals upheld a ruling finding that the child’s tribe was not registered with the United States government.

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CHINS findings for siblings upheld

The parents of four children who were all adjudicated as children in need of services have lost their appeal of the CHINS determinations, with the Indiana Court of Appeals dismissing arguments claiming error on the part of the trial court and the Department of Child Services.

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Opinions Dec. 19, 2019

Indiana Supreme Court
American Consulting, Inc. d/b/a American Structurepoint, Inc. v. Hannum Wagle & Cline Engineering, Inc., d/b/a HWC Engineering, Inc., Marlin A. Knowles, Jr., Jonathan A. Day, David Lancet, et al.
Civil plenary. Affirms the Marion Superior Court, finding it properly denied summary judgment on American Structurepoint, Inc.’s claims of tortious interference and that an issue of material fact remains as to whether Marlin Knowles, Jonathan Day and David Lancet tortiously interfered with their ASI contracts. Holds that the liquidated damages provisions are unenforceable penalties. Remands. Justice Geoffrey Slaughter concurs in part, dissents in part with separate opinion in which Justice Mark Massa joins.

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COA: Dealing statute not unconstitutionally vague

A Huntington County man who called the local sheriff and said he “was strung out on meth and to come get him and take it all out of his house,” unsuccessfully argued before the Indiana Court of Appeals that the statute under which he was convicted was unconstitutionally vague.

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Opinions Dec. 18, 2019

7th Circuit Court of Appeals
Timothy Johnson v. Michael Rogers
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division. Chief Judge Jane Magnus Stinson.
Civil. Affirms the Southern District Court’s finding that police officer Michael Rogers is entitled to qualified immunity. Finds Rogers did not kick Timothy Johnson or otherwise harm him after he was on the ground and that Rogers used his legs to undermine Johnson’s balance and force him down. Also finds Johnson was not under control at the time of the incident and that Rogers’ act was an attempt to regain control.

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Opinions Dec. 12, 2019

Indiana Court of Appeals
Muir Woods Section One Assn., Inc., et al. v. Marion County Treasurer, et al.
Civil collection. Affirms the Marion County Assessor, Treasurer, and Auditor’s motion for dismissal for lack of subject matter jurisdiction against Muir Woods Section One Association and Nantucket Bay Homeowners Association. Finds the Marion Superior Court lacks subject matter jurisdiction to order the Treasurer to issue refunds to the homeowners associations for overpayment of taxes.


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