
Attempted murder convictions upheld in best friend stabbing

Convictions for a man who attempted to murder his best friend have been upheld after the Indiana Court of Appeals found no abuse of discretion in admitting statements under the excited utterance exception, or when it allowed the state to ask the victim leading questions due to his injuries.

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Barker rejects request to keep closed South Bend abortion clinic pending appeal

Despite the Indiana Attorney General’s efforts, a federal judge has denied a request to stay the opening of what could become the state’s newest abortion clinic. Indiana Southern District Senior Judge Sarah Evans Barker on Friday rejected Attorney General Curtis Hill’s request to keep closed the doors of a South Bend abortion clinic until the state’s appeal of the matter can be considered.

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Judgment for IndyCar upheld in Panther Racing suit

The Indiana Court of Appeals on Thursday affirmed that a sponsorship agreement between IndyCar and a now-defunct racing team did not prevent IndyCar from providing another team access to space in the Fan Village at races on the circuit.

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Man’s conviction for harassing DCS case manager stands

A man convicted of harassing his Department of Child Services case manager to the point that she quit her job and moved to another county lost an appeal of his conviction Thursday, failing to convince the appellate court that the offense didn’t occur in Indiana.

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7th Circuit: Evidence found during unlawful drug raid still admissible

Convictions were affirmed for a man whose home was illegally searched by the Drug Enforcement Administration, which uncovered 10 pounds of methamphetamine inside. The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals found that although the DEA should have obtained a search warrant first, the evidence was still admissible.

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Unruly defendant rightly tossed from court, COA rules

A Montgomery County man thrown out of his own trial for disruptive conduct has failed to convince the Indiana Court of Appeals that he was wrongly denied his right to be present. But the appellate panel did vacate one of the man’s convictions on double jeopardy grounds.

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7th Circuit debt collection ruling creates split among circuits

A woman who wasn’t informed she needed to respond to a debt collection letter in writing lost at the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, whose ruling that the collection agency simply made a mistake that didn’t cause her any injury created a split among circuit courts. Three judges authored a published dissent from a subsequent denial of rehearing en banc. 

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Indiana Supreme Court blocks disputed Brownsburg annexation

Brownsburg has lost its final bid to annex nearly 4,500 acres of land after fighting residents who objected all the way to the Indiana Supreme Court. Justices ruled the town “did not satisfy its burden of proving it had met the statutory requirements for annexing the disputed territory.” 

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AG Hill’s bid to block Marion County early voting plan fizzles

The heated dispute ignited by Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill’s effort to block Marion County’s early voting plan ended with a whimper at the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals Monday after both sides acknowledged a change in the voting method nixed the need for a ruling from the federal appellate bench.

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