
State, IBM spar over damages during Supreme Court oral arguments

It’s been roughly nine years since a hard-fought legal battle over the creation of a new Hoosier welfare system ensued between the state of Indiana and IBM Corp. And on Thursday, the long-lasting litigation returned to the Indiana Supreme Court, which this time must answer a multi-million-dollar damages question.

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David, Goff publish dissent after justices let stand parents’ reimbursement order

Two Indiana Supreme Court justices have once again published a dissent from a 3-2 transfer ruling, which this time let stand a monthly reimbursement order for the parents of an adjudicated teen despite their alleged struggle to meet the payment requirements. Justices Steven David and Christopher Goff argued the trial court should have conducted a specific inquiry into the parents’ ability to pay the ordered reimbursement.

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Father’s assertion of Fifth Amendment rights splits COA

Even though the Indiana Court of Appeals had previously affirmed that the youngsters in this case were children in need of services, in part because of allegations of a father’s sexual abuse, it has reversed the termination of parental rights because the requirement that the father participate in a sex offender treatment program violated his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

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