
Mom in wheelchair loses ADA access appeal against school district

A Warrick County woman who uses a wheelchair and was unable to attend her son’s school Christmas concert two years in a row lost her argument of discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act after it was determined the concert was not provided by the school corporation.

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Justices hear NIPSCO industrial users’ rate hike appeal

The Indiana Supreme Court heard oral argument Thursday morning on a utility rate increase case, hearing a northern Indiana utility industrial group’s appeal over whether a reversal of the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission’s application of its own settlement orders conflicted with a prior settlement.

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Summary judgment for law firm in legal malpractice case reversed

The Indiana Court of Appeals has reversed and remanded summary judgment for an Indianapolis law firm in a legal malpractice case after finding a question of fact as to whether an auto company had a reasonable belief that its attorney was acting as an agent for the law firm.

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Justices: Proven misuse a defense to product liability claims

The Indiana Supreme Court has upheld the grant of summary judgment to a tool manufacturer sued after a man lost his eye while using one of the manufacturer’s products, finding the man’s misuse of the tool in question was the cause of his injuries and was a complete defense to his product liability claim.

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Weepy wedding guest gets conviction affirmed

Just about everybody cries at weddings, but a woman arrested while driving home from a marriage ceremony was unable to convince the Indiana Court of Appeals that the tears she shed “by the second” in the back of the police cruiser falsely elevated the concentration of alcohol in her breath.

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COA upholds dismissal of adoption petition after ‘fraud on the court’

The Indiana Court of Appeals has upheld a trial court ruling setting aside a Lawrence County adoption, finding the child’s mother and grandfather committed fraud on the court by falsely claiming they did not know who the child’s biological father was in an effort to allow the grandfather to adopt the child.

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COA: Angry shopper wrongly convicted of resisting

A Kroger shopper upset by the store’s refusal to cash her check without ID became disorderly and refused to leave, but the evidence against her did not support her conviction of resisting law enforcement, the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday.

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