
Justices to hear appeal of daughter disinherited from estate

The Indiana Supreme Court will hear an appeal from a Spencer County woman who claims she was disinherited by her stepmother from her father’s estate, from which her stepmom’s son later derived more than $3 million in mineral rights revenue from West Virginia properties he inherited.

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COA transfers daycare negligence case to Hendricks County

A negligence case against a Hendricks County church daycare accused of causing an infant’s catastrophic brain injury must be transferred to Hendricks County after the Indiana Court of Appeals determined the trial court erred in finding Marion County was a preferred venue.

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Divided justices deny transfer to reversed adoption

Despite having already granted the adoption petition, the Vanderburgh Superior Court must revisit an adoption case after the Indiana Supreme Court denied transfer to a Court of Appeals opinion that found an error in the trial court’s decision.

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COA: Bomb threat still evacuates closed courthouse

A man convicted of intimidation for threatening to blowup a courthouse failed to persuade the Indiana Court of Appeals that he did not want to evacuate the building because he made the calls when he knew the place would be empty.

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COA affirms denial of motion to suppress drug evidence

A man found slumped over a steering wheel who later admitted to possessing methamphetamine and marijuana has lost his appeal of the denial of his motion to suppress the evidence against him. The Indiana Court of Appeals found the seizure of the man was constitutionally permissible.

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Suspension reinstated for insurer accused of hitting worker

A Plainfield insurance agent’s license suspension was reinstated by the Indiana Court of Appeals, which ruled Wednesday that evidence that he hit a state employee twice while attempting to renew his license was sufficient grounds to let the disciplinary action stand.

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COA slashes disability damages, voids state code, gives bench slaps

Portions of the Indiana Administrative Code were voided by an Indiana Court of Appeals decision in a disability discrimination suit in which the appeals court also substantially reduced a damages award to a fired worker and criticized counsel for incivility and citing outdated regulations.

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Gorsuch is deciding vote to strike Trump-backed immigration law

The Supreme Court of the United States said Tuesday that part of a federal law that makes it easier to deport immigrants who have been convicted of crimes is too vague to be enforced. President Donald Trump’s appointee, Justice Neil Gorsuch, cast the deciding vote against the law the administration defended.

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