
COA upholds school district’s protective order against parent

A Jackson County father may only enter Seymour Community Schools property for the limited purpose of dropping off and picking up his daughter from school after the Indiana Court of Appeals determined the school district’s protective order against the father is valid.

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Despite ‘role of Grinch,’ 7th Circuit won’t stop Christmas show

An Elkhart high school’s traditional “Christmas Spectacular” production that was canceled by a northern Indiana federal court because of its overt religiosity, then passed muster when Christian elements no longer took a leading role in a revival, won the reluctant blessing of the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

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Supreme Court limits reach of tax crime statute

The Supreme Court is making it harder for the federal government to use a section of the tax law to convict someone of a crime. The court Wednesday limited the application of a statute that the government had interpreted to give it a broad ability to charge someone with obstructing or impeding the work of the Internal Revenue Service.

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COA remands for clarification of vague probation conditions

The Vigo Superior Court must provide a man convicted of resisting and spitting on local law enforcement officers with a written list of his specific probation conditions after the Indiana Court of Appeals found discrepancies and vagueness in the conditions provided.

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COA upholds denial of race-based Batson challenge

A Madison County man who alleged the state challenged a potential juror for race-based reasons has lost his appeal, with the Indiana Court of Appeals finding the record of the robbery trial does not support the argument that the juror was released because he was black.

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