
Appeals court affirms denial of workers’ comp benefits

A divided Indiana Court of Appeals has affirmed the Indiana Worker’s Compensation Board’s decision to deny workers’ compensation benefits to a man after determining that his medical problems were not related to an on-the-job injury in 2010.

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COA rejects self-defense claim against battery charge

A man who punched a racer at a southern Indiana racing track cannot claim self-defense to rebut his battery charge because the facts show that the man was the initial aggressor against the racer, the Indiana Court of Appeals held Friday.

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7th Circuit affirms tax fraud convictions

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed the convictions and sentence of a man convicted on three tax fraud charges, finding that the district court properly excluded evidence of his corporate “meeting minutes.”

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COA recommends judge’s recusal in remand of motion to contest adoption

In a 41-page opinion handed down Thursday, the Indiana Court of Appeals reversed the dismissal of a putative father’s motion to contest adoption, finding that the adoptive parents had caused delays in the court proceedings and also noting that the judge in the case should have recused himself to avoid the appearance of impropriety.

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COA affirms summary judgment to parents in family land dispute

After a yearslong dispute between northern Indiana parents and their daughter and son-in-law, the Indiana Court of Appeals has affirmed the grant of partial summary judgment to the parents, finding that a real estate contract between the two couples was unenforceable.

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Justices affirm life sentences for Richmond Hill mastermind

The man convicted as the architect of a November 2012 home explosion that left two people dead and dozens of others injured will spend the rest of his life in prison after the Indiana Supreme Court affirmed his murder convictions and life without parole sentences on Tuesday.

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OWI charge vacated on double jeopardy concerns

A divided Indiana Court of Appeals has reversed one count of operating while intoxicated against a Columbus man, finding that merging the two counts together for sentencing purposes does not satisfy double jeopardy concerns.

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