
Committed woman’s charge must be dismissed

Faced with a question the U. S. Supreme Court declined to address more than 35 years ago, the Indiana Supreme Court affirmed a trial court's decision to dismiss a criminal charge against a committed woman who may never be able to stand trial because of incompetence.

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Economic presence meets taxing requirement

In a matter of first impression, the Indiana Tax Court has ruled that a bank didn't need to have a physical presence in the state to be subject to Indiana's Financial Institutions Tax.

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Termination rash in special needs CHINS case

The Indiana Court of Appeals reversed the termination of a mother's parental rights to her special needs son, finding the decision would create a "sobering message" to parents of children who need ongoing assistance.

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Dad not in contempt for failure to pay full support

The Indiana Court of Appeals agreed a man was not in contempt for failing to pay child support ordered by a Florida court even though the Indiana trial court enforced his obligation for less than the amount ordered in Florida.

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7th Circuit rules on police chase violations

Police chases do not violate the Fourth and 14th Amendments when the officers involved do not intentionally and forcibly halt the fleeing subject, according to a ruling today by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

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7th Circuit shoots down Homeland Security decision

he Department of Homeland Security wrongly second-guessed the federal labor department in denying an application by a mental health residential care group – Hoosier Care Inc. – asking for labor certification and immigrant visas for two Filipinos, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today.

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7th Circuit: traffic stop constitutional

A traffic stop in which police found drugs after telling the defendant he was free to go did not violate the defendant's Fourth Amendment rights, ruled the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals today.

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7th Circuit rules on debtor issues

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals handed down a decision today addressing issues that have frequently arisen under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, which have caused some splits at the Circuit level.

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7th Circuit affirms crime-lab ruling

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a District Court’s decision of summary judgment in favor of Indianapolis and Marion County in an appeal filed by a former employee of the county’s Forensic Services Agency, or Crime Lab.

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7th Circuit rules on multiplicitous convictions

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals encountered for the first time the issue of whether a single incident of firearm possession can support multiple convictions under United States Code when the defendant is included in more than one class of people who are disqualified under the statute from possessing firearms.

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Venue transfer hinges on type of organization

The Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed the denial of a motion to change venues because the Indiana High School Athletic Association didn't meet its burden as a governmental organization needed under Indiana Trial Rule 75 to affirm the motion.

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Court orders lawyer to prove suit not frivolous

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals today affirmed the orders of the District Court to grant summary judgment to defendants and also ordered the plaintiff’s attorney to show cause why he shouldn’t be sanctioned for filing a “frivolous” appeal.

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7th Circuit rules on garnished ‘Sidewalk Six’ money

One of East Chicago’s so-called “Sidewalk Six” convicts is the subject of a 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling today, though the case more accurately centers on the $25 million in restitution he was ordered to repay and whether those garnishments should be considered marital assets during his subsequent divorce proceedings.

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7th Circuit upholds conviction

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a defendant’s conviction and sentence for selling a firearm to a felon, ruling the wording of his indictment did not require the government to prove he knew about the gun buyer’s past convictions

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