
Dueling protests show deep divide over Dobbs ruling

The dueling rallies on the Indiana Statehouse lawn one day after the U.S. Supreme Court issued the ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade provided a glimpse into the divide over abortion as well as starkly differing views of what a post-Roe America will be like. On one issue both sides seemed to agree: The Indiana General Assembly will soon be enacting more restrictions, if not a total ban, on abortion.

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Opinions June 23, 2022

Indiana Supreme Court
Steven Church v. State of Indiana
Criminal. Affirms the Marion Superior Court’s denial of Steven Church’s petition pursuant to Indiana Code § 35-40-5-11.5 to obtain a deposition of his alleged child sex abuse victim. Finds the statute is not being retroactively applied to Church and is not a procedural statute that conflicts with Indiana Trial Rules. Also finds the statute is substantive because it predominantly furthers the legitimate public policy objectives within the General Assembly’s exclusive purview. Finally, finds the statute does not violate Church’s constitutional rights under the Indiana or United States constitutions. Justice Christopher Goff concurs in part and in the judgment with separate opinion.

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